Browsing Belarusian translation

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110 of 32 results
Access for everyone
type: Content of: <div><h1>
Даступнасць для ўсіх
Translated and reviewed by Soltan Dzmitry
Located in slideshows/ubuntu/slides/accessibility.html:1
At the heart of the Ubuntu philosophy is the belief that computing is for everyone. With advanced accessibility tools and options to change language, colour scheme and text size, Ubuntu makes computing easy – whoever and wherever you are.
type: Content of: <div><div><div><p>
Ідэяй філасофіі Ubuntu з'яўляецца вера ў тое, што камп'ютары мусяць быць даступнымі для ўсіх. З палепшанымі спецыяльнымі магчымасцямі і параметрамі для замены мовы, каляровай схемы і памеру тэксту Ubuntu робіць працу на камп'ютары простай для кожнага - кім бы вы ні былі і дзе б вы ні знаходзіліся.
Translated and reviewed by meequz
Located in slideshows/ubuntu/slides/accessibility.html:8
Customization options
type: Content of: <div><div><div><h2>
Наладжванне параметраў
Translated by Ubuntu Belarusian Translators Team
Located in slideshows/ubuntu/slides/accessibility.html:12
type: Content of: <div><div><div><ul><li><p>
Вонкавы выгляд
Translated and reviewed by meequz
Located in slideshows/ubuntu/slides/accessibility.html:16
Assistive technologies
type: Content of: <div><div><div><ul><li><p>
Дапаможныя тэхналогіі
Translated and reviewed by Soltan Dzmitry
Located in slideshows/ubuntu/slides/accessibility.html:20
Language support
type: Content of: <div><div><div><ul><li><p>
Моўная падтрымка
Translated by Define
Reviewed by Iryna Nikanchuk
Located in slideshows/ubuntu/slides/accessibility.html:24
Make the most of the web
type: Content of: <div><h1>
Усё для інтэрнэту
Translated and reviewed by Soltan Dzmitry
Located in slideshows/ubuntu/slides/browse.html:1
Ubuntu includes Firefox, the web browser used by millions of people around the world. And web applications you use frequently (like Facebook or Gmail, for example) can be pinned to your desktop for faster access, just like apps on your computer.
type: Content of: <div><div><div><p>
Ubuntu пастаўляецца з браўзерам Firefox, якім карыстаюцца мільёны людзей па ўсім свеце. Вэб-праграмы, якімі вы часта карыстаецеся (напрыклад, Facebook або Gmail), можна замацаваць на працоўным стале. Атрымлівайце да іх доступ, як да звычайных праграм.
Translated by Ubuntu Belarusian Translators Team
Located in slideshows/ubuntu/slides/browse.html:8
Included software
type: Content of: <div><div><div><h2>
Усталяваныя праграмы
Translated and reviewed by Soltan Dzmitry
Located in slideshows/ubuntu/slides/browse.html:12 slideshows/ubuntu/slides/music.html:11 slideshows/ubuntu/slides/office.html:12 slideshows/ubuntu/slides/photos.html:12
Firefox web browser
type: Content of: <div><div><div><ul><li><p>
Вэб-браўзэр Firefox
Translated by Soltan Dzmitry
Reviewed by meequz
Located in slideshows/ubuntu/slides/browse.html:16
110 of 32 results

This translation is managed by Ubuntu Belarusian Translators, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Alexey Sak, Define, Iryna Nikanchuk, J.D.H., Siamion Šachalevič, Soltan Dzmitry, Ubuntu Belarusian Translators Team, meequz.