You can easily install Steam
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Puoi installare facilmente Steam
Translated and reviewed by
Valter Mura
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The <em>KDE Software Compilation</em> has quite a few games ranging from card games to logic games and board games.
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La <em>raccolta software di KDE</em> contiene una vasta gamma di giochi, da quelli di carte a quelli di logica e da tavolo.
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Valter Mura
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First Person Shooters, Role Playing Games, and more are also available in the repositories.
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Nei repository sono disponibili sparatutto in prima persona, giochi di ruolo e molto altro.
Translated and reviewed by
Valter Mura
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Getting help with Kubuntu
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Ottenere aiuto in Kubuntu
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Valter Mura
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If you need help, try <em>Help</em> from the menu, or the <em>Help</em> menu in most applications.
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Se hai bisogno di aiuto, seleziona <em>Aiuto</em> dal menu oppure il menu <em>Aiuto</em> presente nella maggior parte delle applicazioni.
Translated and reviewed by
Valter Mura
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In addition to our extensive written help, the Kubuntu community in conjunction with the Ubuntu community, provides free technical support in person and over the Internet. Learn more at <a href="http://www.kubuntu.org/support">kubuntu.org/support</a>.
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Oltre a una esauriente guida scritta, la comunità di Kubuntu, unitamente a quella di Ubuntu, fornisce supporto tecnico gratuito sia di persona, sia attraverso Internet. Per maggiori informazioni consulta la pagina <a href="http://www.kubuntu.org/support">kubuntu.org/support</a>.
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Valter Mura
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Let us know about your Kubuntu experience at <a href="http://www.kubuntu.org/community">kubuntu.org/community</a>!
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Facci conoscere la tua esperienza con Kubuntu visitando la pagina <a href="http://www.kubuntu.org/community">kubuntu.org/community</a>!
Translated and reviewed by
Claudio Arseni
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Get involved and contribute to Kubuntu
type: Content of: <h1>
Collabora e contribuisci a Kubuntu
Translated and reviewed by
Valter Mura
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The Kubuntu community consists of a group of individuals, who make up one of the greatest teams in the open source community, work on various aspects of the distribution, providing advice and technical support, as well as helping to promote Kubuntu to a wider audience.
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La comunità Kubuntu consiste di un gruppo di persone che forma una delle più grandi squadre all'interno della comunità open source, lavora su vari aspetti della distribuzione, fornisce consigli e assistenza tecnica e aiuta alla diffusione di Kubuntu a una più vasta platea.
Translated and reviewed by
Valter Mura
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No matter your skill level, getting involved and helping to mold the future of Kubuntu is easy, and you are more than welcome to help out.
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Non importa quale sia il tuo livello di competenza, collaborare e aiutare a costruire il futuro di Kubuntu è facile, il tuo aiuto è più che benvenuto!
Translated by
Valter Mura
Reviewed by
Valter Mura
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