Changes throughout the day
This refers to a slideshow background
در طول روز تغییر میکند
Translated and reviewed by
Danial Behzadi
In upstream: |
تغییرات سرار روز
Suggested by
Sebastien Bacher
Located in
Add wallpaper
افزودن کاغذدیواری
Translated and reviewed by
Danial Behzadi
In upstream: |
اضافه کردن کاغذ دیواری
Suggested by
Sebastien Bacher
Located in
Remove wallpaper
برداشتن کاغذدیواری
Translated and reviewed by
Danial Behzadi
In upstream: |
حذف کاغذ دیواری
Suggested by
Sebastien Bacher
Located in
<b>Launcher icon size</b>
<b>اندازهٔ نقشک اجراگر</b>
Translated and reviewed by
Danial Behzadi
In upstream: |
<b>اندازهی شمایل اجراگر</b>
Suggested by
Sebastien Bacher
Located in
<b>Auto-hide the Launcher</b>
<b>نهفتن خودکار اجراگر</b>
Translated and reviewed by
Danial Behzadi
In upstream: |
<b>پنهان کردن خودکار اجراگر</b>
Suggested by
Sebastien Bacher
Located in
<span size="small">The launcher will reveal when moving the pointer to the defined hot spot.</span>
<span size="small">اجراگر هنگام انتقال نشانگر به ناحیهٔ تعریف شده معلوم خواهد شد.</span>
Translated and reviewed by
Danial Behzadi
In upstream: |
<span size="small">اجراگر هنگام انتقال نشانگر به ناحیهی تعریف شده معلوم خواهد شد.</span>
Suggested by
Sebastien Bacher
Located in
Top left corner
گوشهٔ بالا سمت چپ
Translated and reviewed by
Danial Behzadi
In upstream: |
گوشهی بالا سمت چپ
Suggested by
Sebastien Bacher
Located in
Other reveal option
دیگر انتخابهای آشکار شدن
Translated and reviewed by
Danial Behzadi
In upstream: |
دیگر انتخایهای آشکار شدن
Suggested by
Sebastien Bacher
Located in
Restore Default Behaviours
بازیابی رفتارهای پیشگزیده
Translated and reviewed by
Danial Behzadi
In upstream: |
بازیابی رفتارهای پیشفرض
Suggested by
Sebastien Bacher
Located in
Horizontal Gradient
گرادیان افقی
Translated and reviewed by
Danial Behzadi
In upstream: |
شیب افقی
Suggested by
Sebastien Bacher
Located in