Beaufort scale
(no translation yet)
Located in
City Name
ښار نوم
Translated by
Zabeeh Khan
Located in
City Time Zone
ښار مهال سيمه
Translated by
Zabeeh Khan
Located in
Failed to set the system timezone
د غونډال مهالسېمې امستلو کښې پاتې راغی
Translated by
Zabeeh Khan
Located in
Translated by
Zabeeh Khan
Located in
Translated by
Zabeeh Khan
Located in
Set location as current location and use its timezone for this computer
(no translation yet)
Located in
%l:%M <small>%p (%A)</small>
Translators: This is a strftime format string.
* It is used to display the time in 12-hours format
* (eg, like in the US: 8:10 am), when the local
* weekday differs from the weekday at the location
* (the %A expands to the weekday). The %p expands to
* am/pm.
(no translation yet)
Located in
%H:%M <small>(%A)</small>
Translators: This is a strftime format string.
* It is used to display the time in 24-hours format
* (eg, like in France: 20:10), when the local
* weekday differs from the weekday at the location
* (the %A expands to the weekday).
(no translation yet)
Located in
%l:%M <small>%p</small>
Translators: This is a strftime format string.
* It is used to display the time in 12-hours format
* (eg, like in the US: 8:10 am). The %p expands to
* am/pm.
(no translation yet)
Located in