-F (default) normal full build (binaries and sources).
-b binary-only, do not build source.
-B binary-only, no arch-indep files.
-A binary-only, only arch-indep files.
-S source only, no binary files.
-nc do not clean source tree (implies -b).
-tc clean source tree when finished.
-D (default) check build dependencies and conflicts.
-d do not check build dependencies and conflicts.
-P<profiles> assume given build profiles as active (comma-separated list).
-R<rules> rules file to execute (default is debian/rules).
-T<target> call debian/rules <target> with the proper environment.
--as-root ensure -T calls the target with root rights.
-j[<number>] specify jobs to run simultaneously (passed to <rules>).
command to gain root privileges (default is fakeroot).
command to sign .dsc and/or .changes files
(default is gpg2 or gpg).
-k<keyid> the key to use for signing.
-ap add pause before starting signature process.
-us unsigned source package.
-uc unsigned .changes file.
force signing the resulting files.
change the administrative directory.
-?, --help show this help message.
--version show the version.