First Person Shooters, Role Playing Games, and more are also available in the repositories.
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Šaudīšanās spēles, lomu spēles un daudzas citas ir pieejamas krātuvēs.
Translated and reviewed by
Rūdolfs Mazurs
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Getting help with Kubuntu
type: Content of: <div><div><h1>
Palīdzība ar Kubuntu
Translated and reviewed by
Emīls Skujiņš
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If you need help, try <em>Help</em> from the menu, or the <em>Help</em> menu in most applications.
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Ja vajadzīga palīdzība, atver <em>Palīdzība</em> no izvēlnes, vai <em>Palīdzības</em> izvēlni vairumā lietotņu.
Translated and reviewed by
Rūdolfs Mazurs
Located in
In addition to our extensive written help, the Kubuntu community in conjunction with the Ubuntu community, provides free technical support in person and over the Internet. Learn more at <a href="http://www.kubuntu.org/support">kubuntu.org/support</a>.
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Bez jau izvērstās rakstiskās palīdzības, Kubuntu kopiena sadarbībā ar Ubuntu kopienu sniedz bezmaksas tehnisko atbalstu gan klātienē, gan internetā. Uzziniet vairāk <a href="http://www.kubuntu.org/support">kubuntu.org/support</a>.
Translated and reviewed by
Rūdolfs Mazurs
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Let us know about your Kubuntu experience at <a href="http://www.kubuntu.org/community">kubuntu.org/community</a>!
type: Content of: <div><div><ul><li>
Pastāstiet mums par savu pieredzi ar Kubuntu <a href="http://www.kubuntu.org/community">kubuntu.org/community</a>!
Translated and reviewed by
Rūdolfs Mazurs
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Get involved and contribute to Kubuntu
type: Content of: <h1>
Iesaisties un dod ieguldījumu Kubuntu
Translated by
Reinis Zumbergs
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The Kubuntu community consists of a group of individuals, who make up one of the greatest teams in the open source community, work on various aspects of the distribution, providing advice and technical support, as well as helping to promote Kubuntu to a wider audience.
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Kubuntu kopiena ir dalībnieku grupa, kas veido vienu no lieliskākajām komandām atvērtā pirmkoda kopienā, strādā pie dažādiem distributīva aspektiem, piedāvājot padomus un tehnisko atbalstu, kā arī palīdzot virzīt Kubuntu plašākai sabiedrībai.
Translated by
Reinis Zumbergs
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No matter your skill level, getting involved and helping to mold the future of Kubuntu is easy, and you are more than welcome to help out.
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Neatkarīgi no tavām prasmēm iesaistīties un palīdzēt veidot Kubuntu nākotni ir viegli, un esi laipni lūgts to darīt.
Translated and reviewed by
Rūdolfs Mazurs
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Look over <a href="https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/GettingInvolved">wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/GettingInvolved</a> and see where you might be able to help out. Remember, it is easy to get involved and the work you do will be seen by millions of people around the world.
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Ielūkojies <a href="https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/GettingInvolved">wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/GettingInvolved</a> un skaties, kā tu varētu palīdzēt. Atceries, ka iesaistīties ir viegli un tavs ieguldītais darbs būs redzams miljoniem cilvēku visā pasaulē.
Translated by
Reinis Zumbergs
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The installation will finish soon. We hope you enjoy Kubuntu.
type: Content of: <div><div><p>
Instalēšana drīz beigsies. Mēs ceram, ka tev patiks Kubuntu.
Translated and reviewed by
Rūdolfs Mazurs
Located in