Organize, enjoy, and share your photos
type: Content of: <h1>
Korralda, naudi ja jaga oma fotosid
Translated and reviewed by
Mihkel Tõnnov
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With <em>Gwenview</em>, it is really easy to organize and share your photos.
type: Content of: <div><div><ul><li>
<em>Gwenview</em>'ga on väga lihtne oma fotokogu korraldada ja fotosid jagada.
Translated and reviewed by
Mihkel Tõnnov
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Use the Export option to copy your photos to a remote computer, iPod, a custom HTML gallery, or to export to services such as Flickr, SmugMug, PicasaWeb, and more.
type: Content of: <div><div><ul><li>
Oma fotode Flickrisse, SmugMugi, PicasaWebi või teistesse keskkondadesse eksportimiseks või kaugarvutisse, iPodi või kohandatud HTML-galeriisse kopeerimiseks kasuta eksportimise valikut.
Translated and reviewed by
Mihkel Tõnnov
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For more advanced organization and editing features, <em>digiKam</em> is available for installation.
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Kui vajad põhjalikumaid fotode korraldamise ja redigeerimise funktsioone, siis võid paigaldada programmi <em>digiKam</em>.
Translated and reviewed by
Heiki Nooremäe
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Installing additional software
type: Content of: <h1>
Lisatarkvara paigaldamine
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Reviewed by
Marmo Luik
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Take a look at <em>Software Management</em> application in the menu under the System tab. Software Management will allow you to install (and remove) software from our online repositories, which we carefully organize to be safe and up to date.
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Vaata menüü Süsteemi alajaotises rakendust <em>Tarkvara haldamine</em>. Selle abil saad paigaldada (ja eemaldada) tarkvara meie turvalistest ja ajakohastest tarkvarahoidlatest.
Translated and reviewed by
Mihkel Tõnnov
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There is great software for everything from creating music and movies to producing 3D models and exploring the universe.
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Seal leidub tarkvara kõige jaoks, alates muusika ja filmide loomisest kuni 3D-modelleerimise ja universumi uurimiseni.
Translated and reviewed by
Mihkel Tõnnov
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If you need something that isn't available through us, find out if there is a Debian package or another repository available. That way, it will be really easy to install and you will receive automatic updates.
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Kui vajad siiski midagi, mida meie tarkvarahoidlates pole, siis loodetavasti leiad selle kas mõnest muust hoidlast (nt kellegi PPA-st) või Debiani paketina tarkvara kodulehelt. Nii on paigaldamine endiselt väga lihtne ja ka lisahoidlatest pärit tarkvara uuendatakse automaatselt.
Translated and reviewed by
Mihkel Tõnnov
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The Internet, your way
type: Content of: <h1>
Internet, sinu moodi
Translated and reviewed by
Heiki Nooremäe
Located in
Kubuntu ships software necessary to utilize the Internet for many different situations.
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Kubuntus sisalduva tarkvaraga saab Internetti kasutada paljudel eri otstarvetel.
Translated and reviewed by
Mihkel Tõnnov
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