Details for Korean translation
Translation file details
- Korean
Namhyung Kim
Distribution: Ubuntu
Series: saucy
Source package:
Translation group:
Ubuntu Translators
Translation policy: Restricted
Plural forms: 1
Plural expression:
Template description:
Translations of package short descriptions that will appear in the Ubuntu Software Centre. Full descriptions can be translated at
Related pages
Messages: 5338Translated: 4973 (93.16223304608468%)
Untranslated: 365 (6.837766953915324%)
Shared between Ubuntu and upstream: 0 (0.0%)
Translated differently between Ubuntu and upstream: 0 (0.0%)
Only translated on this side: 4973 (93.16223304608468%)
Latest contributor:
KiJune Yoon
Contributors to this translation
The following people have made some contribution to this specific translation:
- Aicies119 (filter)
- B. W. Knight (filter)
- Bundo (filter)
- Cho Wooyoung (filter)
- EveryThing (filter)
- Gunwoo Kim (filter)
- HYUNJUN SON (filter)
- Ha-woon An (filter)
- Hyundong Lim (filter)
- Ian Y. Choi (filter)
- Jeong Eunbin (filter)
- Jihui Choi (filter)
- Jung Hoehyeong (filter)
- JungHee Lee (filter)
- KIM DONGWON (filter)
- Kang Chan (filter)
- KangSujin (filter)
- KiJune Yoon (filter)
- Kim Boram (filter)
- KimEoJin (filter)
- Lee Seung-chul (filter)
- Litty (filter)
- Lyuso (filter)
- Mayu Laierlence (filter)
- Min-Soo Kim (filter)
- MinSik CHO (filter)
- Namhyung Kim (filter)
- Para (filter)
- Peter J (filter)
- RHOsanghoon (filter)
- Rockworld (filter)
- Sang-Eun Lee (filter)
- Sangkeun Park (filter)
- Sangwon Hong (filter)
- Seokjoo Cho (filter)
- Seung Soo, Ha (filter)
- Son, Youngchae (filter)
- Sophia J. Ha (filter)
- TAESEONG KIM (filter)
- Taehee Jang (filter)
- ToyProject (filter)
- User (filter)
- Wonchul Lee (filter)
- Yongmin Hong (filter)
- Young-Hwan Kwon (filter)
- Youngbin Han (filter)
- Youngjae Yu (filter)
- ZoGoN_DragoN (filter)
- dongwoo (filter)
- erish (filter)
- gicheon seong (filter)
- minwook shin (filter)
- pchero (filter)
- sangho (filter)
- seokhyun an (filter)
- simplism (filter)
- unixcruiser (filter)
- woojin Jeong (filter)
- yang jinseok (filter)
- 박정은 (filter)