In addition to our extensive written help, the Kubuntu community in conjunction with the Ubuntu community, provides free technical support in person and over the Internet. Learn more at <a href="http://www.kubuntu.org/support">kubuntu.org/support</a>.
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(no translation yet)
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Let us know about your Kubuntu experience at <a href="http://www.kubuntu.org/community">kubuntu.org/community</a>!
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(no translation yet)
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Get involved and contribute to Kubuntu
type: Content of: <h1>
Partoprenu kaj kontribuu al Kubuntu
Translated and reviewed by
Patrick (Petriko) Oudejans
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The Kubuntu community consists of a group of individuals, who make up one of the greatest teams in the open source community, work on various aspects of the distribution, providing advice and technical support, as well as helping to promote Kubuntu to a wider audience.
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La Kubuntu-komunumo konsistas el grupo da individuoj, kiuj konsistigas unu el la plej grandaj skipoj en la komunumo de malferma fonto. Ili prizorgas variajn aspektojn de la distribuado, provizas konsilojn kaj teĥnikan subtenon, kaj krome ili kunhelpas pri la disvastigado de Kubuntu al pli vasta publiko.
Translated and reviewed by
Michael Moroni
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No matter your skill level, getting involved and helping to mold the future of Kubuntu is easy, and you are more than welcome to help out.
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Ne gravas viaj lertoj, partopreno kaj helpado por formi la estonton de Kubuntu facilas, kaj ni tre aprezas vian helpon.
Translated and reviewed by
Patrick (Petriko) Oudejans
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Look over <a href="https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/GettingInvolved">wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/GettingInvolved</a> and see where you might be able to help out. Remember, it is easy to get involved and the work you do will be seen by millions of people around the world.
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Legu en <a href="https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/GettingInvolved">wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/GettingInvolved</a> kaj vidu kie vi eble povos helpi. Memoru, partopreno estas facila kaj la laboron, kiun vi faras, milionoj da homoj vidos tra la tuta mondo.
Translated and reviewed by
Michael Moroni
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The installation will finish soon. We hope you enjoy Kubuntu.
type: Content of: <div><div><p>
La instalado baldaŭ finiĝos. Ni esperas, ke vi ŝatos Kubuntu.
Translated and reviewed by
Michael Moroni
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Organize, enjoy, and share your photos
type: Content of: <h1>
Ordigu, ĝuu kaj kunhavigu viajn fotojn
Translated and reviewed by
Patrick (Petriko) Oudejans
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With <em>Gwenview</em>, it is really easy to organize and share your photos.
type: Content of: <div><div><ul><li>
Per <em>Gwenview</em> facilas ordigi kaj kunhavigi viajn fotojn.
Translated and reviewed by
Patrick (Petriko) Oudejans
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Use the Export option to copy your photos to a remote computer, iPod, a custom HTML gallery, or to export to services such as Flickr, SmugMug, PicasaWeb, and more.
type: Content of: <div><div><ul><li>
Uzu la opcion Eksporti por kopii viajn fotojn al fora komputilo, iPod, propra HTML-galerio aŭ al servoj kiel Flickr, SmugMug, PicasaWeb kaj pli.
Translated and reviewed by
Patrick (Petriko) Oudejans
Located in