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This documentation alphabetically lists the software development applications available in the <phrase>Kubuntu</phrase> repository and gives a brief description of each, written at the beginner's level.
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Since the line between text editors (<acronym>TE</acronym>), Integrated Development Environments (<acronym>IDE</acronym>) and Graphical User Interface Rapid Application Development (<acronym>GUI RAD</acronym>) tools have blurred with the inclusion of plugin technologies in nearly all of the tools, those dichotomies have become less significant. Therefore, the tools will be presented in alphabetical order.
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<application>Bluefish</application> is a powerful editor targeted toward programmers and web designers, with many options to write websites, scripts, and programming code. <application>Bluefish</application> supports many programming and markup languages, and it focuses on editing dynamic and interactive websites. <application>Bluefish</application> is an open source development project released under the <trademark>GNU</trademark><trademark>GPL</trademark> license. <application>Bluefish</application> runs on most (possibly all) POSIX-compatible operating systems including <trademark>Linux</trademark>, <trademark>FreeBSD</trademark>, <trademark>Mac OS X</trademark>, <trademark>OpenBSD</trademark> and <trademark>Windows</trademark>. <application>Bluefish</application> supports 16 of the most commonly used languages and scripting tools, and is among the full-featured <acronym>IDE</acronym>s available. It specializes in being very fast and offers a huge multi-document capability. Some tools do web development and some are simple coding <acronym>IDE</acronym>s. <application>Bluefish</application> can do both at once on multiple projects and keep them separate.
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<application>Boa Constructor</application> is a cross-platform <trademark>Python</trademark><acronym>IDE</acronym> (Integrated Development Environment) and wxPython <acronym>GUI</acronym> (Graphical User Interface) builder. It offers visual frame creation and manipulation, an object inspector, and many views on the source — like object browsers, inheritance hierarchies, doc string generated <acronym>HTML</acronym> documentation, an advanced debugger, and integrated help. It includes Zope support: Object creation and editing, cut, copy, paste, import and export. It also includes property creation and editing in the Inspector and <trademark>Python</trademark> Script debugging. <application>Boa Constructor</application> is written in <trademark>Python</trademark>, uses <trademark>Python</trademark> as its language, and uses the wxPython library which wraps wxWindows.
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<application>Boa Constructor</application> is under slow development at version 0.5.1, having taken five years to rise from 0.4.3. At that rate it will take another 10 years for version 1.0 to be released. Part of the slow development problem is that <application>Boa Constructor</application> is a mix of several different projects (<trademark>Python</trademark>, wxPython, etc.), each having their own development schedules. <trademark>Python</trademark> has also undergone a radical version change. Coordination of these projects can be problematic or show-stopping. There are no usable applications built with <application>Boa Constructor</application> in the repository, and none can be found on the Internet.
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Cameleon - <acronym>IDE</acronym> for Ocaml Applications
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<application>Cameleon</application> is an Integrated Development Environment (<acronym>IDE</acronym>) created by Maxence Guesdon. Pierre-Yves Strub, and Jean-Baptiste Rouquier. <application>Cameleon</application> is aimed at becoming an <acronym>IDE</acronym> for Objective Caml as well as other programming languages. Its main features are a graphical user interface, configuration management based on CVS, easy access to — and browsing of — documentation, various editors according to customizable file types, use of plug-ins to define new features, and a highly customizable interface (menus, toolbar, and keyboard shortcuts). Its latest version is Cameleon2 and it is now a proprietary <acronym>IDE</acronym> for the <trademark>Windows</trademark> platform.
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Abbreviations - <application>Code::Blocks</application> AutoComplete plugin.
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Autosave - saves project files between intervals.
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