In this page you need to describe how much do you know about the desktop and the application state before it crashed.
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Na tejto stránke musíte popísať čo všetko viete o pracovnom prostredí a stave aplikácie pred jej pádom.
Translated by
Michal Sulek
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If you can, describe in as much detail as possible the crash circumstances, and what you were doing when the application crashed (this information is going to be requested later.) You can mention:
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represents a space character.
Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
Ak môžete, popíšte čo najpodrobnejšie okolnosti pádu a čo ste robili pri páde aplikácie (tieto informácie budu vyžiadané neskôr). Môžete tiež spomenúť:
Translated by
Michal Sulek
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actions you were taking inside or outside the application
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@info/rich crash situation example
činnosti, ktoré ste vykonávali v aplikácii alebo mimo nej
Translated by
Michal Sulek
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documents or images that you were using and their type/format (later if you go to look at the report in the bug tracking system, you can attach a file to the report)
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@info/rich crash situation example
dokumenty alebo obrázky, ktoré ste používali a ich typ/formát (ak sa neskôr rozhodnete pozrieť si hlásenie v systéme pre sledovanie chýb, môžete k hláseniu pripojiť súbor)
Translated by
Michal Sulek
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widgets that you were running
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@info/rich crash situation example
widgety, ktoré boli spustené
Translated by
Michal Sulek
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the URL of a web site you were browsing
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@info/rich crash situation example
URL adresu prehliadanej webovej stránky
Translated by
Michal Sulek
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configuration details of the application
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@info/rich crash situation example
podrobnosti nastavenia aplikácie
Translated by
Michal Sulek
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or other strange things you notice before or after the crash.
Context: |
@info/rich crash situation example
represents a space character.
Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
alebo iné neobvyklé veci, ktoré ste spozorovali pred alebo po páde.
Translated by
Michal Sulek
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Screenshots can be very helpful sometimes. You can attach them to the bug report after it is posted to the bug tracking system.
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Snímky obrazovky môžu byť niekedy veľmi užitočné. Môžete ich pripojiť po odoslaní hlásenia o chybe do systému pre sledovanie chýb.
Translated by
Michal Sulek
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Crash Information (backtrace)
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Informácie o páde (backtrace)
Translated by
Michal Sulek
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