In order to generate a useful bug report we need some information about both the crash and your system. (You may also need to install some debug packages.)
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Akats txosten lagungarri bat sortzeko kraskadura eta zure sistemari buruzko informazioa behar dugu. (Beharbada arazketa pakete batzuk instalatu beharko dituzu)
Translated by
Iñigo Salvador Azurmendi
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Bug Reporting Assistant Guide
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Akats txostentzen laguntzeko morroia
Translated by
Iñigo Salvador Azurmendi
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This assistant will guide you through the crash reporting process for the KDE Bug Reports Database Site. All the information you enter on the bug report must be in English, if possible, as KDE is formed internationally.
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Morroi honek KDE akats txosten datubase gunearen kraskadura txostentze prozesuan zehar gidatuko zaitu. Akats txostenean sartzen duzun informazio guztia Ingelesez egon behar da, posible bada, KDE nazioarteko elkarte batek osatzen duelako.
Translated by
Iñigo Salvador Azurmendi
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What do you know about the crash?
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Zer dakizu kraskadurari buruz?
Translated by
Iñigo Salvador Azurmendi
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aboutbugreportingdialog.cpp:67 aboutbugreportingdialog.cpp:170
In this page you need to describe how much do you know about the desktop and the application state before it crashed.
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Orrialde honetan azaldu behar duzu kraskadura aurretik mahaigain eta aplikazio egoerari buruz dakizun guztia.
Translated by
Iñigo Salvador Azurmendi
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If you can, describe in as much detail as possible the crash circumstances, and what you were doing when the application crashed (this information is going to be requested later.) You can mention:
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represents a space character.
Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
Ahal baduzu, azaldu ahalik xehetasun gehienekin kraskadura gertatu zeneko baldintzak, eta zer egiten ari zinen aplikazioa kraskatu zenean (informazio hau beranduago eskatuko da). Aipatu ditzakezu:
Translated by
Iñigo Salvador Azurmendi
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actions you were taking inside or outside the application
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@info/rich crash situation example
aplikazio barruan edo kanpoan gauzatzen ari zinen ekintzak
Translated by
Iñigo Salvador Azurmendi
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documents or images that you were using and their type/format (later if you go to look at the report in the bug tracking system, you can attach a file to the report)
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@info/rich crash situation example
erabiltzen ari zinen dokumentu edo irudiak eta beraien mota/formatua (beranduago txostena ikustera akatsen jarraipena egiteko sistemara jotzen baduzu, fitxategi bat atxekitzeko aukera izango duzu)
Translated by
Iñigo Salvador Azurmendi
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widgets that you were running
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@info/rich crash situation example
exekutatuta zenituen trepetak
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the URL of a web site you were browsing
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@info/rich crash situation example
arakatzen ari zinen web gune baten URL
Translated by
Iñigo Salvador Azurmendi
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