The extension "%s" is not supported.
Die uitbreiding "%s" word nie ondersteun nie.
Translated and reviewed by
Marsel Pretorius
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An uncaught exception was raised: 
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
'n Ongehanteerde uitsondering is na vore gebring: 
Translated and reviewed by
Marsel Pretorius
Located in
Insufficient free space to write the image: 

(%d MB) > %s (%d MB)
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Onvoldoende oop spasie vir die skryf van die afbeelding: 

(%d MG) > %s (%d MG)
Translated and reviewed by
Arthur Rilke
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Installing the bootloader...
Installeer die selflaaiprogram...
Translated and reviewed by
Marsel Pretorius
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Failed to install the bootloader.
Het misluk met die installasie van die selflaaiprogram.
Translated and reviewed by
Marsel Pretorius
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Modifying configuration...
Verstel die instelling...
Translated and reviewed by
Marsel Pretorius
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Could not move syslinux files in "%s": %s. Maybe "%s" is not an Ubuntu image?
Failure here probably means the source was not really an Ubuntu
image and did not have the files we wanted to move, see
Kon nie syslinuxlêers skuif in "%s" nie: %s. Miskien is "%s" nie 'n Ubuntu afbeelding nie?
Translated and reviewed by
Marsel Pretorius
Located in
Creating a persistence file...
Skep 'n werkingsduurlêer...
Translated and reviewed by
Marsel Pretorius
Located in
Creating an ext2 filesystem in the persistence file...
Skep 'n ext2 lêersstelsel in die werkingsduurlêer...
Translated and reviewed by
Marsel Pretorius
Located in
Maak klaar...
Translated and reviewed by
Marsel Pretorius
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