Details for English (United Kingdom) translation
Translation file details
- English (United Kingdom)
Launchpad Translations Administrators
Distribution: Ubuntu
Series: oneiric
Source package:
Translation group:
Ubuntu Translators
Translation policy: Restricted
Plural forms: 2
Plural expression:
n != 1
Related pages
Messages: 378Translated: 378 (100.0%)
Untranslated: 0 (0.0%)
Shared between Ubuntu and upstream: 362 (95.76719576719577%)
Translated differently between Ubuntu and upstream: 7 (1.8518518518518516%)
Only translated on this side: 9 (2.380952380952381%)
Latest contributor:
Contributors to this translation
The following people have made some contribution to this specific translation:
- Abigail Brady (filter)
- Alex Denvir (filter)
- Andi Chandler (filter)
- Andrew Aylett (filter)
- Anthony Harrington (filter)
- Ben Harris (filter)
- Ben Isaacs (filter)
- Bob Smith (filter)
- Bruce Cowan (filter)
- Callum Saunders (filter)
- Chris Ford (filter)
- Christopher Griffiths (filter)
- Dan Bishop (filter)
- Dan Watkins (filter)
- Daniel Cassidy (filter)
- Dave Rice (filter)
- David Wood (filter)
- Edward Karavakis (filter)
- Eric Oberlander (filter)
- Grant Galbraith (filter)
- Isabell Long (filter)
- James Legg (filter)
- James Thorrold (filter)
- Jeff Bailes (filter)
- Jen Ockwell (filter)
- John Beisley (filter)
- Jonathan Prior (filter)
- Jonathon Hodges (filter)
- LumpyCustard (filter)
- Malcolm Parsons (filter)
- Michael Vogt (filter)
- NeilGreenwood (filter)
- Oliver Old (filter)
- Pete Savage (filter)
- Pramod Dematagoda (filter)
- Robert Readman (filter)
- Sohrab (filter)
- Stephen Hall (filter)
- Steve Holmes (filter)
- Steven Rose (filter)
- Terence Simpson (filter)
- Tom (filter)
- Tom Haddon (filter)
- Tomasz Chabowski (filter)
- Utkarshraj Atmaram (filter)
- Will Bickerstaff (filter)
- ZhongHan Cai (filter)
- Zubin Bhuyan (filter)
- bmuluu (filter)
- frank libolt (filter)
- tirian (filter)