Translations by Bikarhêner
Bikarhêner has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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1. |
Install the given packages
2016-08-20 |
Pelên ku tên dayîn saz bike
2. |
Install package files
2016-08-20 |
Peldankên pakêtan saz bike
3. |
Install packages which provide the given files
2016-08-20 |
Pakêtên ku peldankên hatine dayîn peyda dikin ava bike
4. |
Remove the packages which provide the given files
2016-08-20 |
Pakêtên ku peldankên hatine dayîn peyda dikin rabike
5. |
Check if a package is installed
2016-08-20 |
Kontrol bike ku ka pakêtek hatiye avakirin an na
6. |
Search for the package providing the given file
2016-08-20 |
Li pakêta ku peldankê temîn dike bigere