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312 of 785 results
i18n: file: src/kgoldrunnerui.rc:19
i18n: ectx: Menu (editor)
Translated and reviewed by marcos
Located in rc.cpp:5
i18n: file: src/kgoldrunnerui.rc:30
i18n: ectx: Menu (themes)
Translated by Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio
Located in rc.cpp:8
Edit Toolbar
i18n: file: src/kgoldrunnerui.rc:53
i18n: ectx: ToolBar (editToolbar)
Editatu tresna-barra
Translated by Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio
Located in rc.cpp:11
Curse of the Mummy
Momiaren madarikazioa
Translated by Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio
Located in gamedata/game_CM.txt:2
Drawing on Western movie icons about mummies and Egypt, this set of levels is best run under the Treasure of Egypt theme.

To polish your Egyptology, you will find factual tidbits related to each level in the hints, where the facts are drawn from Wikipedia rather than Hollywood.

This Championship game was composed by Steve Mann <smann at cgl uwaterloo ca>, with a few Egyptian ideas and the Red Sea level contributed by Ian Wadham.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Egipto eta momiei buruzko mendebaldeko filmeetan oinarrituta, maila multzo hau 'Egiptoko altxorra' gaiaren exekuzio onena da.

Zure egiptologia fintzeko, gertaeren albisteak maila bakoitzeko argibideetan aurki ditzakezu. Gertaerak Wikipedia gunetik eskuratu dira eta ez Hollywood-etik.

Joko hau Steve Mann <smann abildua cgl uwaterloo ca> osatu zuen, Egiptoko burutazio batzuk eta Itsas Gorriko maila Ian Wadham-en laguntzarekin.
Translated by Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio
Located in gamedata/game_CM.txt:3
The Giza Plateau
Giza goi-lautada
Translated by Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio
Located in gamedata/game_CM.txt:10
The Giza Plateau on the outskirts of Cairo is the site of the Giza Necropolis, which consists of the Pyramid of Khufu (The Great Pyramid), the Pyramid of Khafre, the Pyramid of Menkaure, along with the Great Sphinx and a number of other smaller edifices.

As you make your way under the plateau, try to avoid killing the mummies: if too many reappear on the right, it becomes difficult to escape at the end. To get started, you will need to use the technique of digging while falling.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Cairoren inguruan dagoen Giza-ko goilautada Giza nekropoliaren lekua da, bertan Keops, Kefren eta Mikerinosen piramideak daude, Esfinge handia eta beste eraikuntza txikiekin batera.

Goilautadan ibiltzean saihestu momiak hiltzea: eskuinean gehiegi agertzen badira, zaila gertatuko da amaieran ihes egitea. Hasteko, erabili behar duzun teknika zuloa egitea da erortzen zarenean.
Translated by Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio
Located in gamedata/game_CM.txt:11
The Pyramid of Djoser
Djoser-en piramidea
Translated by Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio
Located in gamedata/game_CM.txt:16
The Pyramid of Djoser (Zoser), or step pyramid (kbhw-ntrw in Egyptian) is an archeological remain in the Saqqara necropolis, Egypt, northwest of the city of Memphis.

To complete this level, it is important to proceed in steps: first free the mummy on the left side of the second level (from the bottom), allowing it to drop into and fill the hidden pit on the ground level.

Now enter the right side of the second level and move across the pole, over the mummy, and get the piece of treasure in the middle, being sure to dig out the brick to the left of the middle.

The mummy on the third level is a bit problematic because it will take a piece of treasure and carry it. You may get lucky and find that it abandons its treasure at some point, but you can also trap him in the one diggable brick on the right with careful timing.

Finally, before getting the last piece of treasure, be sure to open the bottom right of the step pyramid to allow the mummies on the right to enter the pyramid - if there is more than one mummy on the bottom right before the escape ladder appears, you will be unable to reach the exit.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Djoser-en Piramidea (edo Piramide Mailakatua) Egiptoko Menphis hiriaren ipar-mendebaldeko Sakkarah nekropoliseko eraikin arkeologiko bat da.

Maila hau osatzeko, garrantzitsua da urratsetan lantzea: aurrenik bigarren mailako (behetik) ezkerraldeko momia askatu, barrura jaregiteko baimenduz eta bete lur mailako ezkutatuta dagoen zuloa.

Orain, sartu bigarren mailako eskuinaldean eta mugitu poloan zehar, momiaren gainetik, eta lortu erdian dagoen altxorraren pieza, erdiko ezkerreko adreilua lurpetik ateratzeaz ziurtatuz.

Hirugarren mailako momia arazoak sor ditzake, altxorraren zati bat hartu eta eraman dezakeelako. Sortea izan dezakezu nonbaiten utz dezakeen bere altxorra aurki dezakezulako, gainera momia atrapa dezakezu zula daitekeen eskuineko adreiluan, arretaz egindako denboran.

Azkenik, altxorraren azken pieza lortu aurretik, piramide mailakatuaren beheko eskuinaldea irekitzeaz ziurtatu eskuineko momiak piramidean sartzeko aukera eskainiz. Ihes egiteko eskailera agertu baino lehenago momia bat baino gehiago beheko eskuinaldean egonez gero, ezin izango duzu irteerara iritsi.
Translated by Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio
Located in gamedata/game_CM.txt:17
Pharaoh's Barge
Faraoiaren ontzia
Translated by Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio
Located in gamedata/game_CM.txt:28
312 of 785 results

This translation is managed by Ubuntu Basque Translators, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio, marcos.