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1019 of 785 results
The Pyramid of Djoser
Džoseri püramiid
Translated by Marek Laane
Located in gamedata/game_CM.txt:16
The Pyramid of Djoser (Zoser), or step pyramid (kbhw-ntrw in Egyptian) is an archeological remain in the Saqqara necropolis, Egypt, northwest of the city of Memphis.

To complete this level, it is important to proceed in steps: first free the mummy on the left side of the second level (from the bottom), allowing it to drop into and fill the hidden pit on the ground level.

Now enter the right side of the second level and move across the pole, over the mummy, and get the piece of treasure in the middle, being sure to dig out the brick to the left of the middle.

The mummy on the third level is a bit problematic because it will take a piece of treasure and carry it. You may get lucky and find that it abandons its treasure at some point, but you can also trap him in the one diggable brick on the right with careful timing.

Finally, before getting the last piece of treasure, be sure to open the bottom right of the step pyramid to allow the mummies on the right to enter the pyramid - if there is more than one mummy on the bottom right before the escape ladder appears, you will be unable to reach the exit.
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Džoseri astmikpüramiid on säilinud Sakkara nekropolis Egiptuses, Memphise linnast loodes.

Selle taseme läbimiseks on vaja ette võtta kindlad sammud. Esiteks vabane vasakul alt teisel tasandil asuvast muumiast, lastes tal kukkuda alumisel tasandil asuvasse varjatud auku.

Seejärel liigu teisel tasandil paremale üle posti ja üle muumia ning hangi keskelt aare, kaevates kindlasti keskelt vasakul ära tellise.

Kolmanda tasandi muumiaga on keerulisem, sest see võtab ise aarde üles ja kannab seda kaasas. Sul võib vedada, kui ta sellest mingil hetkel loobub, aga hoolika ajastamisega võid ta ka püüda paremal kaevatava tellisega lõksu.

Enne viimase aarde hankimist tee astmikpüramiidis alla paremale tee vabaks, et paremal asuvad muumiad saaksid püramiidi siseneda - kui all paremal on enne päästeredeli ilmumist üle ühe muumia, ei õnnestu sul väljapääsuni jõuda.
Translated by Marek Laane
Located in gamedata/game_CM.txt:17
Pharaoh's Barge
Vaarao pargas
Translated by Marek Laane
Located in gamedata/game_CM.txt:28
The Khufu ship is an intact full-size vessel from Ancient Egypt that was sealed into a pit in the Giza pyramid complex at the foot of the Great Pyramid of Giza around 2,500 BC. The ship was almost certainly built for Khufu (King Cheops).

It is one of the oldest, largest, and best-preserved vessels from antiquity, and measures 43.6 m overall. Despite its age, it could sail today if put into water.

This is almost a simple level: good treasure and not too many mummies. But your task is to wrest the treasure they carry.
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Hufu laev on terviklikult säilinud Vana-Egiptuse veesõiduk, mis maeti umbes 2500. aastal eKr ühte auku Giza püramiidikompleksis Suure püramiidi jalamil. Peaaegu kindlasti laskis selle ehitada vaarao Hufu ehk Cheops.

See on antiikaja üks vanemaid, suuremaid ja paremini säilinud aluseid, kokku 43,6 meetri pikkune. Vanusest hoolimata sõidaks see tänapäevalgi, kui see vette lasta.

See on üsna lihtne tase, kus on rohkelt aardeid ja suhteliselt vähe muumiaid. Küll tuleb vaeva näha aarete kättesaamisega muumiate käest.
Translated by Marek Laane
Located in gamedata/game_CM.txt:29
Pyramid Puzzles
Püramiidi saladus
Translated by Marek Laane
Located in gamedata/game_CM.txt:36
The Great Pyramid was the tallest man-made structure in the world for over 3,800 years. Going up and down all the time must have been a chore for ancient Egyptians, much as you are likely to find it a chore going up and down this pyramid.

To get the second treasure from the left, you have to use the brick that blocks the ladder at the bottom as a bridge to escape.

To get the fourth treasure from the left, clear the three brick above and to the right of the left most mummy; if dug in the correct order, this will give you just enough time to grab the treasure and escape.

Some of the mummies must be released to get some of the treasure. However, get the first, second, and fourth treasures (from the left) before releasing any of the mummies. Be careful not to kill any mummies; if they appear to the right of the pyramid, you will be unable to finish the level. Also it is possible to release the mummies and trap them in one of the other chambers.
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Suur püramiid oli üle 3800 aasta maailma suurim inimkätega püstitatud ehitis. Sellest pidev üles ja alla marssimine pidi olema muistsetele egiptlastele tõeline piin - nii nagu see saab ka sinu piinaks siin mängus.

Vasakult teise aarde hankimiseks tuleb kasutada päästesillana tellist, mis blokeerib all redeli.

Vasakult neljanda aarde hankimiseks puhasta kolm tellist vasakpoolseimast muumiast ülal ja paremal. Õiges järjekorras kaevates annab see sulle täpselt nii palju aega, et haarata aare ja põgeneda.

Mõned muumiad tuleb aarde saamiseks vabastada. Kuid enne muumiate vabastamist tasuks kõigepealt hankida esimene, teine ja neljas aare (vasakult). Ole ettevaatlik ja ära ühtegi muumiat tapa, sest kui nad ilmuvad püramiidist paremale, ei saa sa enam taset läbida. Võimalik on ka muumiad vabastada ja püüda lõksu mõnes kambris.
Translated by Marek Laane
Located in gamedata/game_CM.txt:37
Translated by Marek Laane
Located in gamedata/game_CM.txt:46
Crocodiles can live to be over 100 years of age, with the largest species reaching 4.85 meters in length. Various species have been observed attacking and killing sharks.

Sobek was the deification of crocodiles. Egyptians who worked or travelled on the Nile hoped that if they prayed to Sobek, the crocodile god, he would protect them from being attacked by crocodiles.

In this level, it is not the crocodile you need to fear. Still, a prayer to Sobek might help you escape the mummies while you gather the treasure.
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Krokodillid võivad elada enam kui saja-aastaseks ning suurimad neist võivad olla 4,85 meetrit pikad. Mõned liigid isegi ründavad ja tapavad haisid.

Sobek oli krokodillijumalus. Niiluse ääres töötavad või seda mööda sõitvad egiptlased lootsid, et kui nad palvetavad Sobeki poole, kaitseb ta neid krokodillirünnakute eest.

Sellel tasemel ei tule küll krokodille karta. Kuid palve Sobeki poole võib aidata ometi kergemini pääseda muumiate eest ja hankida aarded.
Translated by Marek Laane
Located in gamedata/game_CM.txt:47
Three Pyramids
Kolm püramiidi
Translated by Marek Laane
Located in gamedata/game_CM.txt:54
The Giza Necropolis has been a popular tourist destination since antiquity, and was popularized in Hellenistic times when the Great Pyramid was listed by Antipater of Sidon as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Today it is the only one of those wonders still in existence.

You may find it easiest to navigate this wonder if you get two mummies in the far right pyramid before going over there.
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Giza nekropol on olnud populaarne turismiobjekt juba alates antiikajast, eriti aga hellenistlikust perioodist, mil Siidoni Antipatros lisas Suure püramiidi seitsme maailmaime hulka. Tänaseks on see toonastest maailmaimedest ainukesena säilinud.

Maailmaimes liikumine on tegelikult imelihtne, kui oled ainult enne sinnajõudmist suutnud üle mängida kaks parempoolseima püramiidi juures tegutsevat muumiat.
Translated by Marek Laane
Located in gamedata/game_CM.txt:55
1019 of 785 results

This translation is managed by Ubuntu Estonian Translators, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Marek Laane, Marek Laane, bushido.