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2130 of 198 results
<qt>The command with which this process was launched.</qt>
<qt>Prozesu hau jaurti zuen komandoa.</qt>
Translated by Iñigo Salvador Azurmendi
Located in ProcessModel.cpp:974
<qt>The amount of pixmap memory that this process is using.</qt>
<qt>Prozesu hau erabiltzen ari den pixmapa memoria kopurua.</qt>
Translated by Iñigo Salvador Azurmendi
Located in ProcessModel.cpp:976
<qt>The title of any windows that this process is showing.</qt>
<qt>Prozesu honek erakusten dituen leiho guztien izenburua.</qt>
Translated by Iñigo Salvador Azurmendi
Located in ProcessModel.cpp:978
The unique Process ID that identifies this process.
Prozesu hau identifikatzen duen Prozesu ID bakarra.
Translated by Iñigo Salvador Azurmendi
Located in ProcessModel.cpp:980
The number of bytes read. See What's This for more information.
Irakurritako byte kopurua. Begiratu 'Zer da hau' informazio gehiago jasotzeko.
Translated by Iñigo Salvador Azurmendi
Located in ProcessModel.cpp:982
The number of bytes written. See What's This for more information.
Idatzitako byte kopurua. Begiratu 'Zer da hau' informazio gehiago jasotzeko.
Translated by Iñigo Salvador Azurmendi
Located in ProcessModel.cpp:984
<qt><i>Technical information: </i>The kernel process name is a maximum of 8 characters long, so the full command is examined. If the first word in the full command line starts with the process name, the first word of the command line is shown, otherwise the process name is used.
<qt><i>Informazio teknikoa: </i>Nukleoaren prozesu izena gehienez 8 karaktere luze da, beraz komando osoa aztertzen da. Komando lerro osoko lehenengo hitza prozesu izenarekin hasten bada, komando lerroko lehenengo hitza erakusten da, bestela prozesu izena erabiltzen da.
Translated by Iñigo Salvador Azurmendi
Located in ProcessModel.cpp:993
<qt>The user who owns this process. If the effective, setuid etc user is different, the user who owns the process will be shown, followed by the effective user. The ToolTip contains the full information. <p><table><tr><td>Login Name/Group</td><td>The username of the Real User/Group who created this process</td></tr><tr><td>Effective User/Group</td><td>The process is running with privileges of the Effective User/Group. This is shown if different from the real user.</td></tr><tr><td>Setuid User/Group</td><td>The saved username of the binary. The process can escalate its Effective User/Group to the Setuid User/Group.</td></tr><tr><td>File System User/Group</td><td>Accesses to the filesystem are checked with the File System User/Group. This is a Linux specific call. See setfsuid(2) for more information.</td></tr></table>
<qt>Prozesu honen jabetza daukan erabiltzailea. setuid etc erabiltzaile eraginkorra desberdina bada, prozesuaren jabetza daukan erabiltzailea erakutsiko da eta erabiltzaile eraginkorra haren ondoren. Iradokizun tresnak dauka informazio osoa. <p><table><tr><td>Saio hasteko izena/taldea</td><td>Prozesu hau sortu zuen benetazko erabiltzaile/taldearen erabiltzaile izena</td></tr><tr><td>Erabiltzaile/talde eraginkorra</td><td>Prozesua erabiltzaile/talde eraginkorraren pribilegioekin exekutatzen ari da. Hau erakusten da benetazko erabiltzailearen desberdina bada.</td></tr><tr><td>Setuid erabiltzailea/taldea</td><td>Bitarraren gordetako erabiltzaile izena. Prozesuak bere erabiltzaile/talde eraginkorra Setuid erabiltzaile/taldera eskalatu dezake.</td></tr><tr><td>Fitxategi sistemaren erabiltzailea/taldea</td><td>Fitxategi sistemara eginiko atzipenak fitxategi sistemaren erabiltzaile/taldearekin egiaztatzen dira. Hau Linux-en berariazko dei bat da. Begiratu setfsuid(2) informazio gehiago jasotzeko.</td></tr></table>
Translated by Iñigo Salvador Azurmendi
Located in ProcessModel.cpp:995
<qt>This is the size of allocated address space - not memory, but address space. This value in practice means next to nothing. When a process requests a large memory block from the system but uses only a small part of it, the real usage will be low, VIRT will be high. <p><i>Technical information: </i>This is VmSize in proc/*/status and VIRT in top.
<qt>Hau da alokatutako helbide espazioa - ez memoria, helbide espazioa baizik. Balio honek praktika ezer gutxi adierazten du. Prozesu batek sistemari memoria bloke haundi bat eskatu baino haren zati txiki bat besterik erabiltzen ez duenean, benetazko erabilera txikia izango da, VIRT altua izango da. <p><i>Informazio teknikoa: </i>Hau da VmSize pro/*/status barruan eta VIRT top-en.
Translated by Iñigo Salvador Azurmendi
Located in ProcessModel.cpp:1005
<qt><i>Technical information: </i>This is an approximation of the Private memory usage, calculated as VmRSS - Shared, from /proc/*/statm. This tends to underestimate the true Private memory usage of a process (by not including i/o backed memory pages), but is the best estimation that is fast to determine. This is sometimes known as URSS (Unique Resident Set Size). For an individual process, see "Detailed Memory Information" for a more accurate, but slower, calculation of the true Private memory usage.
<qt><i>Informazio teknikoa: </i>Hau memoria pribatu erabileraren hurbilketa bat da, VmRSS - Partekatua bezala kalkulatua, /proc/*/statm-etik. Honek prozesu baten memoria pribatu erabilera gutxiesteko joera dauka (s/i babes kopiatutako memoria orrialdeak kanpoan utziz), baino azkar zehaztu daitekeen estimazio onena da. Batzutan URSS (Unique Resident Set Size) deitua. Banako prozesu batentzako, begiratu "Memoriari buruzko informazio zehatza" memoria pribatuaren benetazko erabileraren kalkulu zehatzago, baino motelagoa, lortzeko.
Translated by Iñigo Salvador Azurmendi
Located in ProcessModel.cpp:1007
2130 of 198 results

This translation is managed by Ubuntu Basque Translators, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Iñigo Salvador Azurmendi.