Error getting time
Ett fel uppstod då tiden hämtades
Translated by
Joachim Johansson
Reviewed by
Peter Ahlgren
In upstream: |
Ett fel uppstod då tid hämtades
Suggested by
Ted Gould
Located in
%A, %e %B %Y
Translators, please edit/rearrange these strftime(3) tokens to suit your locale!
Format string for the day on the first menuitem in the datetime indicator.
This format string gives the full weekday, date, month, and year.
en_US example: "%A, %B %e %Y" --> Saturday, October 31 2020"
en_GB example: "%A, %e %B %Y" --> Saturday, 31 October 2020"
%A, %e %B %Y
Translated and reviewed by
Daniel Nylander
Located in
Add Event…
add the 'Add Event…' menuitem
Lägg till händelse...
Translated by
Arve Eriksson
Reviewed by
Daniel Nylander
Located in
This is a strftime(3) format string indicating the unabbreviated weekday.
Translated and reviewed by
Daniel Nylander
Located in
No date yet…
Inget datum än...
Translated by
Arve Eriksson
Reviewed by
Daniel Nylander
Located in
Time & Date Settings…
Inställningar för tid och datum...
Translated and reviewed by
Daniel Nylander
Located in
Unable to get a GeoClue client! Geolocation based timezone support will not be available.
Kunde inte hitta en GeoClue-klient! Tidszonen kommer inte att baseras på din geografiska plats.
Translated and reviewed by
Joachim Johansson
Located in
You need to choose a location to change the time zone.
För att ändra tidszon måste du välja en plats.
Translated by
Josef Andersson
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Unlock to change these settings
Lås upp för att ändra dessa inställningar
Translated and reviewed by
Daniel Nylander
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Lock to prevent further changes
Lås för att förhindra ytterligare ändringar
Translated and reviewed by
Daniel Nylander
Located in