Error getting time
시간 가져오기 오류
Translated by
Ted Gould
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%A, %e %B %Y
Translators, please edit/rearrange these strftime(3) tokens to suit your locale!
Format string for the day on the first menuitem in the datetime indicator.
This format string gives the full weekday, date, month, and year.
en_US example: "%A, %B %e %Y" --> Saturday, October 31 2020"
en_GB example: "%A, %e %B %Y" --> Saturday, 31 October 2020"
%Y년 %B %e일 %A
Translated and reviewed by
Kim Boram
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Add Event…
add the 'Add Event…' menuitem
이벤트 추가...
Translated and reviewed by
Kim Boram
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This is a strftime(3) format string indicating the unabbreviated weekday.
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Reviewed by
Kim Boram
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No date yet…
날짜 없음...
Translated and reviewed by
Kim Boram
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Time & Date Settings…
시간 및 날짜 설정...
Translated and reviewed by
Jinkyu Yi
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Unable to get a GeoClue client! Geolocation based timezone support will not be available.
GeoClue 클라이언트가 없습니다! 지역 위치에 기반한 시간대 지원을 사용할 수 없습니다.
Translated and reviewed by
Kim Boram
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You need to choose a location to change the time zone.
사간대를 바꾸려면 위치를 선택해야 합니다.
Translated and reviewed by
Kim Boram
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Unlock to change these settings
잠금을 풀어 이 설정 바꾸기
Translated and reviewed by
Kim Boram
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Lock to prevent further changes
더 이상 설정을 바꾸지 못하게 잠그기
Translated and reviewed by
Kim Boram
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