Error getting time
Produciuse un erro ao obter a hora
Translated and reviewed by
Fran Diéguez
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%A, %e %B %Y
Translators, please edit/rearrange these strftime(3) tokens to suit your locale!
Format string for the day on the first menuitem in the datetime indicator.
This format string gives the full weekday, date, month, and year.
en_US example: "%A, %B %e %Y" --> Saturday, October 31 2020"
en_GB example: "%A, %e %B %Y" --> Saturday, 31 October 2020"
%A, %e de %B do %Y
Translated and reviewed by
Miguel Anxo Bouzada
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Add Event…
add the 'Add Event…' menuitem
Engadir actividade…
Translated and reviewed by
Miguel Anxo Bouzada
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This is a strftime(3) format string indicating the unabbreviated weekday.
Translated and reviewed by
Miguel Anxo Bouzada
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No date yet…
Aínda sen data…
Translated and reviewed by
Fran Diéguez
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Time & Date Settings…
Preferencias de data e hora…
Translated by
Fran Diéguez
Reviewed by
Fran Diéguez
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Unable to get a GeoClue client! Geolocation based timezone support will not be available.
Non é posíbel obter o cliente de xeolocalización GeoClue! A localización xeográfica baseada en fusos horarios non está dispoñíbel.
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You need to choose a location to change the time zone.
Ten que escoller unha localización para cambiar o fuso horario.
Translated and reviewed by
Miguel Anxo Bouzada
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Unlock to change these settings
Desbloquear para cambiar estas configuracións
Translated and reviewed by
Miguel Anxo Bouzada
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Lock to prevent further changes
Bloquear para previr máis cambios
Translated and reviewed by
Miguel Anxo Bouzada
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