Usage: %s [<option>...] [<changelogfile>]
--help, -h print usage information
--version, -V print version information
--label, -l <file> name of the changelog file to
use in error messages
--file <file> changelog file to parse, defaults
to '-' (standard input)
--format <outputformat> see man page for list of available
output formats, defaults to 'dpkg'
for compatibility with dpkg-dev
--since, -s, -v <version> include all changes later than version
--until, -u <version> include all changes earlier than version
--from, -f <version> include all changes equal or later
than version
--to, -t <version> include all changes up to or equal
than version
--count, -c, -n <number> include <number> entries from the top
(or the tail if <number> is lower than 0)
--offset, -o <number> change the starting point for --count,
counted from the top (or the tail if
<number> is lower than 0)
--all include all changes