Add a new repository and install packages from it
This privilege allows to call AddRepository, UpdateCache(Partially)
and InstallPackages in a row and only authenticating once.
The client has to authenticate for this privilege before calling
the aptdaemon methods.
Przidej nowe repozytorium i instaluj z niego pakety
Translated by
Grzegorz Kulik
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Add a new repository of purchased software and install packages from it
This privilege allows to call AddRepository, UpdateCache(Partially)
and InstallPackages in a row and only authenticating once.
The client has to authenticate for this privilege before calling
the aptdaemon methods.
The only difference to install-packages-from-new-repo is the wording
of the message. It is required by Ubuntu's Software-Center.
Przidej nowe repozytorium kupiōnego ôprogramowano i instaluj z niego pakety
Translated by
Grzegorz Kulik
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Cancel the task of another user
Pociep zadanie ôd inkszego używocza
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Grzegorz Kulik
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Change software configuration
Zmiyń kōnfiguracyjo ôprogramowanio
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Grzegorz Kulik
Located in
Change software repository
Zmiyń repozytorium ôprogramowanio
Translated by
Grzegorz Kulik
Located in
Install or remove packages
Instaluj abo kasuj pakety
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Grzegorz Kulik
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Install package file
Instaluj zbiōr paketu
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Grzegorz Kulik
Located in
List keys of trusted vendors
Wykoz kluczy zaufanych sprzedowcōw
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Grzegorz Kulik
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Remove downloaded package files
Skasuj pobrane pakety
Translated by
Grzegorz Kulik
Located in
../data/org.debian.apt.policy.in.h:3 ../aptdaemon/console.py:619
Set a proxy for software downloads
Nasztaluj proxy do pobiyranio ôprogramowanio
Translated by
Grzegorz Kulik
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