Add a new repository and install packages from it
This privilege allows to call AddRepository, UpdateCache(Partially)
and InstallPackages in a row and only authenticating once.
The client has to authenticate for this privilege before calling
the aptdaemon methods.
Eine neue Software-Paketquelle hinzufügen und Pakete daraus installieren
Translated and reviewed by
Hendrik Schrieber
Located in
Add a new repository of purchased software and install packages from it
This privilege allows to call AddRepository, UpdateCache(Partially)
and InstallPackages in a row and only authenticating once.
The client has to authenticate for this privilege before calling
the aptdaemon methods.
The only difference to install-packages-from-new-repo is the wording
of the message. It is required by Ubuntu's Software-Center.
Eine neue Paketquelle für erworbene Software hinzufügen und Pakete daraus installieren
Translated and reviewed by
Hendrik Schrieber
Located in
Cancel the task of another user
Prozess eines anderen Benutzers abbrechen
Translated by
Moritz Baumann
Reviewed by
Dennis Baudys
Located in
Change software configuration
Anwendungskonfiguration ändern
Translated and reviewed by
Tobias Bannert
In upstream: |
Software-Konfiguration ändern
Suggested by
Moritz Baumann
Located in
Change software repository
Software-Paketquelle ändern
Translated by
Dennis Baudys
Reviewed by
Dennis Baudys
Located in
Install or remove packages
Pakete installieren oder entfernen
Translated by
Jonas Endersch
Reviewed by
Dennis Baudys
Located in
Install package file
Paketdatei installieren
Translated by
Moritz Baumann
Reviewed by
Daniel Schury
Located in
List keys of trusted vendors
Schlüssel vertrauenswürdiger Anbieter anzeigen
Translated by
Dennis Baudys
Reviewed by
Hendrik Schrieber
Located in
Remove downloaded package files
Heruntergeladene Paketdateien entfernen
Translated and reviewed by
Moritz Baumann
Located in
../data/org.debian.apt.policy.in.h:3 ../aptdaemon/console.py:619
Set a proxy for software downloads
Einen Proxy-Server für Software-Downloads benutzen
Translated by
Dennis Baudys
Reviewed by
Dennis Baudys
Located in