Translations by Iñigo Salvador Azurmendi
Iñigo Salvador Azurmendi has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
20. |
Could not calculate the upgrade
2006-10-08 |
Ezin da hobekutza kalkulatu
21. |
Error authenticating some packages
2006-10-08 |
Akatsa pakete batzuk egiaztatzerakoan
22. |
It was not possible to authenticate some packages. This may be a transient network problem. You may want to try again later. See below for a list of unauthenticated packages.
2006-10-08 |
Pakete batzuk ezin izan dira egiaztatu. Sareko arazo iragankorra izan daiteke. Saiatu berriro beranduago. Begiratu azpian egiaztatu ezin izan diren paketeen zerrenda bila.
26. |
Can't install '%s'
2006-10-08 |
Ezin da '%s' instalatu
30. |
Reading cache
2006-10-08 |
Katxea irakurtzen
52. |
No valid mirror found
2006-10-08 |
Ez da ispilu baliagarririk aurkitu
56. |
Repository information invalid
2006-10-08 |
Gordailuaren informazio baliogabea
62. |
Error during update
2006-10-08 |
Akatsa eguneratzerakoan
64. |
Not enough free disk space
2006-10-08 |
Ez dago disko leku aske nahikoa
67. |
Do you want to start the upgrade?
2006-10-08 |
Hobekuntza abiatu nahi duzu?
70. |
Could not download the upgrades
2006-10-08 |
Ezin dira hobekuntzak jaitsi
74. |
Could not install the upgrades
2006-10-08 |
Ezin dira hobekuntzak instalatu
78. |
Remove obsolete packages?
2006-10-08 |
Zaharkitutako paketeak ezabatu?
79. |
2006-10-09 |
80. |
2006-10-08 |
84. |
Checking package manager
2006-10-08 |
Pakete kudeatzailea egiaztatzen
89. |
Updating repository information
2006-10-08 |
Gordailuaren informazioa eguneratzen
92. |
Invalid package information
2006-10-08 |
Pakete informazio baliogabea
98. |
Searching for obsolete software
2006-10-09 |
Software zaharkituaren bila
2006-10-09 |
Software zaharkituaren bila
99. |
System upgrade is complete.
2006-10-09 |
Sistemaren hobekuntza amaitu da.
119. |
Please insert '%s' into the drive '%s'
2006-10-09 |
Mesedez, sartu '%s' '%s' unitatean
124. |
Applying changes
2006-10-09 |
Aldaketak ezartzen
126. |
Could not install '%s'
2006-10-09 |
Ezin da '%s' instalatu
130. |
The 'diff' command was not found
2006-10-02 |
'diff' komandoa ez da aurkitu
135. |
To prevent data loss close all open applications and documents.
2006-10-09 |
Datu galera saihesteko itxi irekitako aplikazio eta dokumentu guztiak.
151. |
2006-10-09 |
155. |
Install %s
2006-10-02 |
Instalatu %s
156. |
Upgrade %s
2006-10-02 |
Berritu %s
158. |
<b><big>Restart the system to complete the upgrade</big></b>
2006-10-09 |
<b><big>Sistema berrabiatu hobekuntza osatu dadin</big></b>
159. |
_Restart Now
2006-10-09 |
_Berrabiarazi Orain
174. |
Cleaning up
2006-10-09 |
181. |
Your system is up-to-date
2006-10-09 |
Zure sistema gaurkotuta dago
183. |
Reboot required
2006-10-02 |
Berrabiatu beharra dago
184. |
The upgrade is finished and a reboot is required. Do you want to do this now?
2006-10-09 |
Berrikuntza amaitu da eta berrabiatu beharra dago. Orain egin nahi duzu?
185. |
Could not run the upgrade tool
2006-10-09 |
Ezin da hobekuntza tresna ibilarazi
187. |
Upgrade tool signature
2006-10-09 |
Hobekuntza tresnaren sinadura
188. |
Upgrade tool
2006-10-09 |
Hobekuntza tresna
218. |
<b><big>Start the upgrade?</big></b>
2006-10-09 |
<b><big>Hobekuntza abiatu?</big></b>
220. |
Difference between the files
2006-10-09 |
Fitxategiaen arteko desberdintasuna
224. |
2006-10-09 |
227. |
2006-10-09 |
228. |
_Report Bug
2006-10-09 |
_Akatsa Jakinarazi
229. |
_Resume Upgrade
2006-10-09 |
_Berrekin Hobekuntza
231. |
Please wait, this can take some time.
2006-10-09 |
Itxoin mesedez, honek denbora behar du.
232. |
Update is complete
2006-10-09 |
Eguneraketa osatu da
233. |
Could not find the release notes
2006-10-09 |
Ezin dira askapen oharrak aurkitu
234. |
The server may be overloaded.
2006-10-09 |
Zerbitzaria gainzamaturik egon liteke.
235. |
Could not download the release notes
2006-10-09 |
Ezin dira askapen oharrak jaitsi
236. |
Please check your internet connection.
2006-10-02 |
Egiaztatu zure internet lotura mesedez.