Translations by Nineu
Nineu has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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14. |
The server may be overloaded
2009-12-27 |
Zerbitzaria gainkargatua egon liteke
44. |
Sandbox mode
2009-12-27 |
Sandbox modua
45. |
This upgrade is running in sandbox (test) mode. All changes are written to '%s' and will be lost on the next reboot.
*No* changes written to a systemdir from now until the next reboot are permanent.
2009-12-27 |
Eguneraketa hau sanbox (testu) moduan exekutatzen ari da. '%s' moduan idatzita dauden aldaketa guztiak galdu egingo dira berrabiaraztean.
68. |
Upgrade canceled
2009-12-27 |
Eguneraketa ezeztatua
76. |
Please report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the files in /var/log/dist-upgrade/ in the bug report.
2009-12-27 |
Mesedez, eman ezazu programazio-errore honen berri, 'update-manager' paketea erabiliz eta /var/log/dist-upgrade/ bide-izenean dauden fitxategiak sartuz.%s