Translations by Iñigo Zendegi
Iñigo Zendegi has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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100. |
The partial upgrade was completed.
2008-09-27 |
Zatikako berrikuntza burutu da.
115. |
*DEPRECATED* this option will be ignore
2008-09-27 |
*ARBUILATUA* aukera hau baztertua izango da
116. |
Perform a partial upgrade only (no sources.list rewriting)
2008-09-27 |
Zatikako berrikuntza bakarrik (sources.list ez da berridatziko)
131. |
A fatal error occurred
2008-09-27 |
Saihestezinezko errorea gertatu da
133. |
Ctrl-c pressed
2008-09-27 |
Ctrl-c sakaturik
160. |
<b><big>Cancel the running upgrade?</big></b>
The system could be in an unusable state if you cancel the upgrade. You are strongly advised to resume the upgrade.
2008-09-27 |
<b><big>Bidean den berrikuntza bertan behera utzi?</big></b>
Berrikuntza bertan behera utzi ezkero sistema egoera erabilezinean geratu daiteke. Oso gomendagarria da berrikuntzarekin jarraitzea.
162. |
%li day
%li days
2008-09-27 |
egun %li
%li egun
163. |
%li hour
%li hours
2008-09-27 |
ordu %li
%li ordu
164. |
%li minute
%li minutes
2008-09-27 |
minutu %li
%li minutu
165. |
%li second
%li seconds
2008-09-27 |
segundo %li
%li segundo
167. |
%(str_hours)s %(str_minutes)s
2008-09-27 |
%(str_hours)s %(str_minutes)s
197. |
Can not run the upgrade
2008-09-27 |
Ezin da berrikuntza hasi
199. |
The error message is '%s'.
2008-09-27 |
Errorearen mezua honakoa da: '%s'
279. |
An unresolvable problem occurred while initializing the package information.
Please report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the following error message:
2008-09-27 |
Konpondu ezin izan den arazoa gertatu da pakete-informazioa hasieratzen zen bitartean.
Mesedez 'update-manager' paketearen bitartez arazo hau bidali eta bertan txertatu hurrengo errore-mezua:
280. |
An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade.
Please report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the following error message:
2008-09-27 |
Berrikuntza prestatzen zen bitartean konpodu ezin izan den arazoa gertatu da.
Mesedez 'update-manager' paketearen bitartez arazo hau bidali eta bertan txertatu hurrengo errore-mezua:
301. |
The list of changes is not available yet.
Please use
until the changes become available or try again later.
2008-09-27 |
Aldaketen zerrenda oraindik ez dago eskuragarri.
Mesedez erabili
aldaketak eskuragarri egon bitartean edo saiatu berriz beranduago.
302. |
Failed to detect distribution
2008-09-27 |
Ezin izan da distribuzioa antzeman.
303. |
A error '%s' occurred while checking what system you are using.
2008-09-27 |
'%s' errorea gertatu da zein sistema erabiltzen ari zaren antzematen zen bitartean
310. |
Previous selected
2008-09-27 |
Aurretik auketaturik