Translations by iurgi
iurgi has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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16. |
Your system contains broken packages that couldn't be fixed with this software. Please fix them first using synaptic or apt-get before proceeding.
2007-05-21 |
Zure sistemak hautsitako paketeak ditu eta ezin izan dira konpondu aplikazio honekin. Aurrera jarraitzeko synaptic edo apt-get erabiliz konpon itzazu.
64. |
Not enough free disk space
2007-05-21 |
Ez dago behar adina tokirik diskoan
70. |
Could not download the upgrades
2007-05-21 |
Ezin izan dira hobekuntzak jaitsi