Translations by Sebastian Carcamo
Sebastian Carcamo has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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264. |
The package information was last updated less than one hour ago.
2008-01-30 |
La información del paquete fue actualizada hace menos de una hora.
371. |
Try upgrading to the latest release using the upgrader from $distro-proposed
2008-01-30 |
Intente actualizar a la última versión usando el actualizador de $distro-proposed
372. |
Run in a special upgrade mode.
Currently 'desktop' for regular upgrades of a desktop system and 'server' for server systems are supported.
2008-01-30 |
Arranque el modo especial de actualización
Son soportados actualmente 'desktop' para actualizaciones periódicas de un sistema de escritorio y 'server' para sistemas servidores.