Translations by Ander González
Ander González has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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~ |
run_synaptic called with unknown action
2010-08-29 |
run_synaptic deituta akzio ezezagun batekin
111. |
Your system appears to be a virtualised environment without an init daemon, e.g. Linux-VServer. Ubuntu 10.04 LTS cannot function within this type of environment, requiring an update to your virtual machine configuration first.
Are you sure you want to continue?
2010-08-29 |
Zure sistemak init daemon bat ez duen giro birtualizatu bat dirudi, ad. Linux-VServer. Ubuntu 10.04 LST ezin da funtzionatu giro honen barruan, zure makina birtualaren konfigurazioaren eguneraketa bat behar izan gabe lehenik.
Ziur al zaude jarraitu nahi duzula?
112. |
Sandbox upgrade using aufs
2010-08-29 |
Sandbox eguneratu aufs erabiliz
127. |
The upgrade will continue but the '%s' package may not be in a working state. Please consider submitting a bug report about it.
2010-08-29 |
Modernizazioa jarraituko du baina '%s' paketeak ezin izango du lan egin. Mesedez, kontsideratu programazio-akatsen berri ematea.
294. |
A normal upgrade can not be calculated, please run:
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
This can be caused by:
* A previous upgrade which didn't complete
* Problems with some of the installed software
* Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu
* Normal changes of a pre-release version of Ubuntu
2010-08-29 |
Modernizazio normal bat ezin izan da kalkulatu, mesedez exekutatu:
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Honen jatorria izan daiteke:
*Amaitu gabe ez duen aurreko modernizazio bat
*Problemak instalatutako softwarearekin
*Ubuntu-k ez hornitutako software paketeak
*Aldaketa normalak Ubuntu-ren aurreko bertsio batean
317. |
2010-08-29 |
321. |
Run a partial upgrade, to install as many updates as possible.
This can be caused by:
* A previous upgrade which didn't complete
* Problems with some of the installed software
* Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu
* Normal changes of a pre-release version of Ubuntu
2010-08-29 |
Modernizazio partzial bat exekutatu, ahal diren eguneraketa guztiak instalatzeko.
Honen jatorria izan daiteke:
*Amaitu gabe ez duen aurreko modernizazio bat
*Problemak instalatutako softwarearekin
*Ubuntu-k ez hornitutako software paketeak
*Aldaketa normalak Ubuntu-ren aurreko bertsio batean
347. |
If this key is set a first run welcome message will be presented.
2010-08-29 |
Tekla hau ezarrita badago hasieran ongietorri mezu bat egongo da.
359. |
This will permanently hide the new release prompt from check-new-release-gtk. Note that the small button in the main update-manager UI will still be there.
2010-08-29 |
Honek betiko ezkutatuko du promt bertsio berria hemendik: check-new-release-gtk. Ohartu zaitez UI eguneraketa-administratzaile nagusiko botoi txikia han jarraituko duela.
360. |
make check-new-release-gtk ignore a given new release
2010-08-29 |
egin honek: check-new-release-gtk emandako bertsio berria aldera uztea.
362. |
Directory that contains the data files
2010-08-29 |
Datu-fitxategiak dituen direktorioa
366. |
Do not focus on map when starting
2010-08-29 |
Ez enfokatu mapan hasten denean.
369. |
Test upgrade with a sandbox aufs overlay
2010-08-30 |
Bertsio berria probatu sandbox aufs gainjartze batekin
374. |
Check only if a new distribution release is available and report the result via the exit code
2010-08-30 |
Bakarrik bilatu bertsioaren distribuzio berri bat erabilgarria dagoenean eta bidali emaitza irteera-kodigoa erabiliz
381. |
You have declined the upgrade to Ubuntu %s
2010-08-30 |
Ubuntu %s bertsio berria ezetsi duzu.
382. |
Unimplemented method: %s
2010-08-30 |
Implementatu gabeko metodoa: %s
387. |
%i obsolete entries in the status file
2010-08-30 |
%i sarrera zaharkituta egoera-fitxategian
388. |
Obsolete entries in dpkg status
2010-08-30 |
Sarrera zaharkitutak dpkg egoeran
389. |
Obsolete dpkg status entries
2010-08-30 |
dpkg egoera-sarrera zaharkitutak
390. |
When upgrading, if kdelibs4-dev is installed, kdelibs5-dev needs to be installed. See, bug #279621 for details.
2010-08-30 |
Bertsio berri bat ezartzean, kdelibs4-dev instalatuta badago, kdelibs5-dev instalatu behar da. Ikusi, bug #279621 xehetasun gehiagorako.
391. |
%s needs to be marked as manually installed.
2010-08-30 |
%s markatuta izan behar da eskuz instalatuta bezala.