Accessibility in Kubuntu
type: Content of: <h1>
Kubuntu даги қулайликлар
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Umidjon Almasov
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We want to make computers work for everyone, whatever your physical circumstances. So, we provide tools that make Kubuntu one of the most accessible operating systems around.
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Биз ҳамма, ҳатто жисмоний камчиликлар бор одамларни, компьютерда ишлай олишини истаймиз. Шундай қилиб, биз Kubuntu ни дунёда энг қулай операцион тизимларидан бирини қиладиган воситалари билан таъминлаймиз.
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Umidjon Almasov
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You can get at these tools in one place: the <em>Accessibility</em> preferences, inside the System Settings application from the menu. From there, you can turn on helpful tools like <em>Modifier Keys</em>, <em>Keyboard Filters</em>, and <em>Activation Gestures</em>.
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Ушбу воситалар битта жойда мавжуд: менюдан Тизим мосламаларидаги <em>Қулайликлар имкониятлари</em>га ўтинг. Шу жойда сиз <em>Модификация тугмалари</em>, <em>Клавиатура филтрлари</em> ва <em>Фаоллаштириш ишоралари</em> каби фойдали воситаларидан фойдаланишингиз мумкин.
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Umidjon Almasov
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Remember to also look over the <em>Appearance Preferences</em>, too. You can choose between different visual styles and even change the fonts that are used by applications.
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<em>Кўриниш мосламалари</em>ни ҳам кўриб чиқинг. Сиз ҳар хил кўриниш услубларини танлашингиз ва дастурлардаги шрифтларни ўзгартиришингиз мумкин.
Translated and reviewed by
Umidjon Almasov
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Get your game on with Kubuntu
type: Content of: <h1>
Kubuntu даги ўйинлар
Translated and reviewed by
Umidjon Almasov
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With hundreds of game titles in our online repository, Kubuntu allows you to not be all about work, but also allows you to play.
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Тармоқдаги репозиторийда мавжуд бўлган юзлаб ўйинлар билан Kubuntu нафақат ишлаш учун, балки уйнаш учун ҳам ярайди.
Translated and reviewed by
Umidjon Almasov
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The <em>KDE Software Compilation</em> has quite a few games ranging from card games to logic games and board games.
type: Content of: <div><div><ul><li>
<em>KDE Software Compilation</em>да кўплаб карта уйинлардан бошлаб то мантиқ ва стол уйинларигача бор.
Translated and reviewed by
Umidjon Almasov
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First Person Shooters, Role Play Games, and more are also available in the repositories.
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Биринчи шахсдан отишмалар, рол ўйинлари ва бошқалар ҳам репозиторийда мавжуд.
Translated and reviewed by
Umidjon Almasov
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Getting help with Kubuntu
type: Content of: <div><div><h1>
Kubuntu билан ёрдам олиш
Translated and reviewed by
Umidjon Almasov
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If you need help, try <em>Help</em> from the menu, or the <em>Help</em> menu in most applications.
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Агар сизга ёрдам керак бўлса, бош менюда ёки дастурлардаги менюда <em>Ёрдам</em> бандини танланг.
Translated and reviewed by
Umidjon Almasov
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