<b>Profile Dumps</b><p>This dockable shows in the top part the list of loadable profile dumps in all subdirectories of: <ul><li>current working directory of KCachegrind, i.e. where it was started from, and </li><li>the default profile dump directory given in the configuration.</li></ul> The list is sorted according to the target command profiled in the corresponding dump.</p><p>On selecting a profile dump, information for it is shown in the bottom area of the dockable: <ul><li><b>Options</b> allows you to view the profiled command and profile options of this dump. By changing any item, a new (yet unexisting) profile template is created. Press <b>Run Profile</b> to start a profile run with these options in the background. </li><li><b>Info</b> gives detailed info on the selected dump like event cost summary and properties of the simulated cache. </li><li><b>State</b> is only available for current happening profiles runs. Press <b>Update</b> to see different counters of the run, and a stack trace of the current position in the program profiled. Check the <b>Every</b> option to let KCachegrind regularly poll these data. Check the <b>Sync</b> option to let the dockable activate the top function in the current loaded dump.</li></ul></p>
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<b>Force Dump</b><p>This forces a dump for a Callgrind profile run in the current directory. This action is checked while KCachegrind looks for the dump. If the dump is finished, it automatically reloads the current trace. If this is the one from the running Callgrind, the new created trace part will be loaded, too.</p><p>Force dump creates a file 'callgrind.cmd', and checks every second for its existence. A running Callgrind will detect this file, dump a trace part, and delete 'callgrind.cmd'. The deletion is detected by KCachegrind, and it does a Reload. If there is <em>no</em> Callgrind running, press 'Force Dump' again to cancel the dump request. This deletes 'callgrind.cmd' itself and stops polling for a new dump.</p><p>Note: A Callgrind run <em>only</em> detects existence of 'callgrind.cmd' when actively running a few milliseconds, i.e. <em>not</em> sleeping. Tip: For a profiled GUI program, you can awake Callgrind e.g. by resizing a window of the program.</p>
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<b>Show percentage costs relative to parent</b><p>If this is switched off, percentage costs are always shown relative to the total cost of the profile part(s) that are currently browsed. By turning on this option, percentage cost of shown cost items will be relative to the parent cost item.</p><ul><table><tr><td><b>Cost Type</b></td><td><b>Parent Cost</b></td></tr><tr><td>Function Cumulative</td><td>Total</td></tr><tr><td>Function Self</td><td>Function Group (*) / Total</td></tr><tr><td>Call</td><td>Function Inclusive</td></tr><tr><td>Source Line</td><td>Function Inclusive</td></tr></table></ul><p>(*) Only if function grouping is switched on (e.g. ELF object grouping).</p>
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<b>Detect recursive cycles</b><p>If this is switched off, the treemap drawing will show black areas when a recursive call is made instead of drawing the recursion ad infinitum. Note that the size of black areas often will be wrong, as inside recursive cycles the cost of calls cannot be determined; the error is small, however, for false cycles (see documentation).</p><p>The correct handling for cycles is to detect them and collapse all functions of a cycle into an artificial function, which is done when this option is selected. Unfortunately, with GUI applications, this often will lead to huge false cycles, making the analysis impossible; therefore, there is the option to switch this off.</p>
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<b>Hide Template Parameters in C++ Symbols</b><p>If this is switched on, every symbol displayed will have any C++ template parameters hidden, just showing <> instead of a potentially nested template parameter.</p><p>In this mode, you can hover the mouse pointer over the activated symbol label to show a tooltip with the unabbreviated symbol.</p>
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