Translations by Erick Huezo

Erick Huezo has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

16 of 6 results
You can install a digital certificate issued by a signing authority. Alternatively, you can install your own self-signed certificate.
Puedes instalar un certificado distribuido por una Firma Autorizada. o puedes instalar tus sertificados propios.
Additionally, you may want to adjust the following options to flag more messages as spam:
Adicionalmente, puedes ajustar las siguientes opciones para marcar mas mensajes como spam:
To enable TCP/IP connections, edit the file <filename>/etc/postgresql/8.4/main/postgresql.conf</filename>
Para habilitar conecciones TCP/IP, edite este archivo <filename>/etc/postgresql/8.4/main/postgresql.conf</filename>
To view the guide enter <command>file:///usr/share/doc/postgresql-doc-8.4/html/index.html</command> into the address bar of your browser.
Para ver la guia use esta direccion <command>file:///usr/share/doc/postgresql-doc-8.4/html/index.html</command> en su navegador.
If you are using the <emphasis>virtual kernel</emphasis> as part of a virtual machine you will need to manually compile the <application>drbd</application> module. It may be easier to install the <application>linux-server</application> package inside the virtual machine.
Si estas usando un <emphasis>kernel virtual</emphasis> como parte de una maquina virtual, necesitaras compilar el modulo <application>drbd</application>. deberia de ser facil instalar paquete <application>linux-server</application> en una maquina virtual.
In this section, we will discuss how to install and configure a IRC server, <application>ircd-irc2</application>. We will also discuss how to install and configure Jabber, an instance messaging server.
En esta seccion, Discutiremos como instalar y configurar un servidor IRC, <application>ircd-irc2</application>. Tambien discutiremos como instalar y configurar Jabber, un servidor de mensajeria instantanea.