Overview of the default Ubuntu software repositories
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When you install software on Ubuntu, the package manager automatically downloads the required software packages from a <emphasis>software repository</emphasis>, a location on the Internet which stores collections of packages ready to be downloaded.
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There are thousands of programs available to install on Ubuntu. These programs are stored in software repositories and are made freely available for all Ubuntu users. This makes it very easy to install new programs, and it is also very secure because each program you install is built specially for Ubuntu and checked before it is allowed into the repositories.
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Software repositories
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Tryggvi Björgvinsson
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To organize the software, Ubuntu repositories are categorized into four groups: <emphasis>Main</emphasis>, <emphasis>Restricted</emphasis>, <emphasis>Universe</emphasis>, and <emphasis>Multiverse</emphasis>. The rationale used to determine which software goes into which category is based on the level of support that software development teams provide for a program and the level of compliance the program has to the <ulink url="http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/philosophy">Free Software Philosophy</ulink>.
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The standard Ubuntu Install CD contains some software from the <emphasis>Main</emphasis> and <emphasis>Restricted</emphasis> categories.
Staðlaði Ubuntu uppsetningar geisladiskurinn inniheldur hugbúnað frá <emphasis>Stofn</emphasis> og <emphasis>Hamlaður</emphasis> flokkunum.
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Tryggvi Björgvinsson
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If your system is connected to the Internet, many more software programs are made available for installation. For example, the <quote>Universe</quote> and <quote>Multiverse</quote> repositories are only available over the Internet.
Ef kerfið þitt er tengt Internetinu eru miklu fleiri hugbúnaðarforrit tiltæk til uppsetningar. Til dæmis, <quote>Alheimur</quote> og <quote>Fjölheimur</quote> útibúin eru aðeins tiltæk á Internetinu.
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Tryggvi Björgvinsson
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The <emphasis>Multiverse</emphasis> repository contains software which has been classified as <emphasis>non-free</emphasis>. This software may not be permitted in some jurisdictions. When installing each package from this repository, you should verify that the laws of your country permit you to use it. Also, this software may not include security updates.
<emphasis>Fjölheimur</emphasis> útibúið inniheldur hugbúnað sem hefur verið flokkaður sem <emphasis>ófrjáls</emphasis>. Það er möguleiki að þennan hugbúnað megi ekki nota í vissum lögsagnarumdæmum. Þegar pakki frá þessu útibúi er settur upp ættir þú að staðfesta að lögin í þínu landi leyfi þér að nota hann. Auk þess er möguleiki á að þessi hugbúnaður innihaldi ekki öryggisuppfærslur.
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Tryggvi Björgvinsson
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Update repositories
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The Update Manager automatically finds software updates for your computer when they are available. It regularly gathers information on potential updates from a number of online update sources.
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