Scanning files...
Type: text
(no translation yet)
Located in
Copying files...
Type: text
Son drio copiar i file...
Translated and reviewed by
Emiliano Malerba
Located in
Almost finished copying files...
Type: text
Ho quasi finio de copiar i files
Translated and reviewed by
Emiliano Malerba
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Installation Failed
Type: error
Type: error
Type: error
Type: error
Type: select
Instaasion finia mae
Translated and reviewed by
Emiliano Malerba
Located in
../ubiquity.templates:119001 ../ubiquity.templates:120001
../ubiquity.templates:121001 ../ubiquity.templates:122001
The installer encountered an error copying files to the hard disk:
Type: error
Type: error
Type: error
Type: error
È stà riscontrà un eror nel copiar i file sul disco fixo:
Translated and reviewed by
Emiliano Malerba
Located in
../ubiquity.templates:119001 ../ubiquity.templates:120001
../ubiquity.templates:121001 ../ubiquity.templates:122001
This is due to there being insufficient disk space for the install to complete on the target partition. Please run the installer again and select a larger partition to install into.
Type: error
Podaria exar causà da un insufixente spaxio sul disco par completar l'istalaxion sula partixion selezionà. Eseguir de novo el programa de istalaxion e selexionar una partixion con suficiente spaxio disponibile.
Translated and reviewed by
Emiliano Malerba
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This is often due to a faulty CD/DVD disk or drive. It may help to clean the CD/DVD, to burn the CD/DVD at a lower speed, or to clean the CD/DVD drive lens (cleaning kits are often available from electronics suppliers).
Type: error
Podaria esar causà da on disco o da on letor CD/DVD difetoso. Podaria esar utile netar el CD/DVD, masterixarlo a una velocità più baxa oppure netar la lente del letor (kit par netar jè speso disponibili nei negosi de eletronica).
Translated and reviewed by
Emiliano Malerba
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This is often due to a faulty hard disk. It may help to check whether the hard disk is old and in need of replacement, or to move the system to a cooler environment.
Type: error
Podaria esar causà da un disco fiso difetoso. Podaria esar utile controlar se el disco fisso l'è vecio e necessita di esar sostituio oppure spostar el sistema in un ambiente più ventilatà.
Translated and reviewed by
Emiliano Malerba
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This is often due to a faulty CD/DVD disk or drive, or a faulty hard disk. It may help to clean the CD/DVD, to burn the CD/DVD at a lower speed, to clean the CD/DVD drive lens (cleaning kits are often available from electronics suppliers), to check whether the hard disk is old and in need of replacement, or to move the system to a cooler environment.
Type: error
This is used when we don't know whether the CD/DVD or the hard disk is at
Type: select
This is used when there was an md5 mismatch during copying, meaning that
the source file and destination file are not equal.
Podaria esar causà da on disco o da on letor CD/DVD difetoso. Podaria esar utile netar el CD/DVD, masterixarlo a una velocità più baxa oppure netar la lente del letor (kit par netar jè speso disponibili nei negosi de eletronica). Opure podaria esar utile controlar se el disco fisso l'è vecio e necessita di esar sostituio oppure spostar el sistema in un ambiente più ventilatà.
Translated and reviewed by
Emiliano Malerba
Located in
../ubiquity.templates:122001 ../ubiquity.templates:123001
The following file did not match its source copy on the CD/DVD:
Type: select
El seguente file nol corisponde mia ala copia nel CD/DVD:
Translated and reviewed by
Emiliano Malerba
Located in