Translations by Denis Graipel
Denis Graipel has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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10. |
Ubuntu MATE Welcome
2016-07-18 |
Willkommen bei Ubuntu-Mate
14. |
Supported software
2016-07-18 |
Unterstützte Software
28. |
Take your music with you
2016-07-18 |
Nehmen Sie Ihre Musik mit
30. |
Rhythmbox Music Player
2016-07-18 |
32. |
Organise your photos
2016-07-18 |
Organisieren Sie ihre Fotos
39. |
Everything you need for the office
2016-07-18 |
Alles, was Sie für das Büro brauchen