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312 of 59 results
type: Content of: <div><h1>
Quant a
Translated and reviewed by Walter Garcia-Fontes
Located in slideshows/oem-config-ubuntu-mate/slides/02_about.html:2
Ubuntu MATE is a stable, easy-to-use operating system with a configurable desktop environment. Ideal for those who want the most out of their computers and prefer a traditional desktop metaphor.
type: Content of: <div><div><div><p>
(no translation yet)
Located in slideshows/oem-config-ubuntu-mate/slides/02_about.html:7
With modest hardware requirements it is suitable for modern workstations, single board computers and older hardware alike.
type: Content of: <div><div><div><p>
(no translation yet)
Located in slideshows/oem-config-ubuntu-mate/slides/02_about.html:11
For users coming from other operating systems, Ubuntu MATE can adapt the user interface with one-click to something more modern or something that you might be more familiar with via <strong>MATE Tweak</strong>.
type: Content of: <div><div><div><p>
Per als usuaris provinents d'altres sistemes operatius, l'Ubuntu MATE pot adaptar la interfície d'usuari amb un sol clic a quelcom més modern o quelcom que us pot ser més familiar mitjançant <strong>Ajustos del MATE</strong>.
Translated and reviewed by Walter Garcia-Fontes
Located in slideshows/oem-config-ubuntu-mate/slides/02_about.html:17
Get up and running faster
type: Content of: <div><h1>
Comença a funcionar més ràpidament
Translated and reviewed by Robert Antoni Buj Gelonch
Located in slideshows/oem-config-ubuntu-mate/slides/03_getting_started.html:2
Ubuntu MATE Welcome greets and assists new and returning users. The <strong>Getting Started</strong> wizard will guide you through the first boot post-installation setup and the configuration of additional peripherals and devices, while the documentation will help orientate new users. The <strong>Systems Specifications</strong> section will help you explore your hardware and offers one-click installation for many useful system monitoring tools. When you need help Ubuntu MATE Welcome is the jumping off point to the community.
type: Content of: <div><div><div><p>
(no translation yet)
Located in slideshows/oem-config-ubuntu-mate/slides/03_getting_started.html:7
Included software
type: Content of: <div><div><div><h2>
Programari inclòs
Translated and reviewed by Walter Garcia-Fontes
Located in slideshows/oem-config-ubuntu-mate/slides/03_getting_started.html:18 slideshows/oem-config-ubuntu-mate/slides/04_software.html:16 slideshows/oem-config-ubuntu-mate/slides/05_tweak.html:19 slideshows/oem-config-ubuntu-mate/slides/06_browse.html:16 slideshows/oem-config-ubuntu-mate/slides/08_music.html:15 slideshows/oem-config-ubuntu-mate/slides/09_photos.html:16 slideshows/oem-config-ubuntu-mate/slides/10_video.html:16 slideshows/oem-config-ubuntu-mate/slides/11_office.html:13
Ubuntu MATE Welcome
type: Content of: <div><div><div><ul><li><p>
Benvinguda de l'Ubuntu MATE
Translated and reviewed by Walter Garcia-Fontes
Located in slideshows/oem-config-ubuntu-mate/slides/03_getting_started.html:22
Find the best software
type: Content of: <div><h1>
Trobeu el millor programari
Translated and reviewed by Robert Antoni Buj Gelonch
Located in slideshows/oem-config-ubuntu-mate/slides/04_software.html:2
Say goodbye to searching the web for new software. There is an abundance of software available for Ubuntu MATE and some people find that choice overwhelming. The <strong>Software Boutique</strong> is a carefully curated selection of the best-in-class applications that complement Ubuntu MATE. Experienced users can simply queue up all their favourite software for install and process it in one operation.
type: Content of: <div><div><div><p>
Digueu adéu a la cerca de programari nou al web. Hi ha una gran quantitat de programari disponible per a l'Ubuntu MATE, però algunes persones troben aquesta opció aclaparadora. La <strong>botiga de programari</strong> és una selecció acurada de les millors aplicacions en la seva classe que complementen l'Ubuntu MATE. Els usuaris experimentats poden simplement enviar a la cua les seves aplicacions preferides per instal·lar-les i processar-les en una única operació.
Translated and reviewed by Robert Antoni Buj Gelonch
Located in slideshows/oem-config-ubuntu-mate/slides/04_software.html:7
312 of 59 results

This translation is managed by Ubuntu Catalan Translators, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Giorgio Grappa, Jaume Villalba, Robert Antoni Buj Gelonch, Walter Garcia-Fontes.