Translations by Samir Ribić
Samir Ribić has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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1. |
Welcome to Ubuntu MATE
2016-04-13 |
Dobro došli u Ubuntu MATE
3. |
2016-04-13 |
O programu
9. |
Included software
2016-04-13 |
Uključeni softver
14. |
Supported software
2016-04-13 |
Podržani programi
19. |
Make the most of the web
2016-04-13 |
Izvucite maksimum iz weba
23. |
2016-04-13 |
28. |
Take your music with you
2016-04-13 |
Nosite svoju muziku sa sobom
30. |
Rhythmbox Music Player
2016-04-13 |
Rhythmbox muzički plejer
34. |
Shotwell Photo Manager
2016-04-13 |
Shotwell organizator fotografija
35. |
GIMP Image Editor
2016-04-13 |
GIMP uređivač slika
39. |
Everything you need for the office
2016-04-13 |
Sve što će vam ikada trebati u kancelariji
41. |
LibreOffice Writer
2016-04-13 |
LibreOffice Writer
42. |
LibreOffice Calc
2016-04-13 |
LibreOffice Calc
43. |
LibreOffice Impress
2016-04-13 |
LibreOffice Impress
46. |
Customization options
2016-04-13 |
Opcije prilagođavanja
47. |
2016-04-13 |
48. |
Assistive technologies
2016-04-13 |
Pomoćne tehnologije
49. |
Language support
2016-04-13 |
Podrška za jezike
55. |
<a href="" class="caption">Twitter</a>
2016-04-13 |
<a href="" class="caption">Twitter</a>
56. |
<a href="" class="caption">Facebook</a>
2016-04-13 |
<a href="" class="caption">Facebook</a>
59. |
<a href="" class="caption">Bug Tracker</a>
2016-04-13 |
<a href="" class="caption">Praćenje grešaka</a>