Translations by Demir Tokalić
Demir Tokalić has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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A community developed Ubuntu based operating system that beautifully integrates the MATE desktop.
2018-06-09 |
Ubuntu temeljen operativni sistem razvijen od strane zajednice koji na lijep način integrira MATE radno okruženje.
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Get up and running faster
2018-06-09 |
Pokreće se i radi brže
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Ubuntu MATE Welcome
2018-06-09 |
Ubuntu MATE Dobrodošlica
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Find the best software
2018-06-09 |
Ubuntu MATE dobrodošlica
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Say goodbye to searching the web for new software. There is an abundance of software available for Ubuntu MATE and some people find that choice overwhelming. The <strong>Software Boutique</strong> is a carefully curated selection of the best-in-class applications that complement Ubuntu MATE. Experienced users can simply queue up all their favourite software for install and process it in one operation.
2018-06-09 |
Pozdravite se s pretraživanjem softvera po internetu. Postoji obilje softvera dostupnih za Ubuntu MATE a određenim ljudima se to čini nadmoćnim. <strong>Butik softvera</strong> je oprezno organiziran odabir najboljih aplikacija koje nadopunjuju Ubuntu MATE. Iskusni korisnici mogu jednostavno odabrati odjednom sav svoj omiljeni softver za instalaciju i obradu.
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Software Boutique
2018-06-09 |
Butik softvera
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Ubuntu Software
2018-06-09 |
Ubuntu Softver
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Personalised computing
2018-06-09 |
Personalizirano računarstvo
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MATE Tweak
2018-06-09 |
MATE Tweak
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Ubuntu MATE includes <strong>Firefox</strong>, an easy and safe web browser used by millions of people around the world. Designed with privacy in mind it includes enhanced security features to protect you from online threats. You'll also find <strong>Brave</strong>, <strong>Chromium</strong>, <strong>Google Chrome</strong>, <strong>Opera</strong> and <strong>Vivaldi</strong> in the Software Boutique.
2018-06-09 |
Ubuntu MATE uključuje <strong>Firefox</strong>, jednostavan i siguran web preglednik kojeg koriste milioni ljudi širom svijeta. Dizajniran s naznakom na sigurnost uključuje poboljšane postavke sigurnosti kako bi bili zaštićeni od prijetnji s interneta. Isto tako ćete pronaći <strong>Brave</strong>, <strong>Chromium</strong>, <strong>Google Chrome</strong>, <strong>Operu</strong> i <strong>Vivaldi</strong> u Butiku softvera.
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2018-06-09 |
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Get your game on!
2018-06-09 |
Zaigrajte svoju igru!
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2018-06-09 |
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2018-06-09 |
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Organise your photos
2018-06-09 |
Organizujte svoje fotografije
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Shotwell is a handy photo manager that is ready for your gadgets. Connect a camera or a phone to transfer your photos, then it's easy to share them and keep them safe. For the digital photography enthusiasts and professionals the Software Boutique includes <strong>Darktable</strong> and <strong>Luminance HDR</strong> that offer virtual lightable and darkroom for RAW and HDR image workflows.
2018-06-09 |
Shotwell je zgodan upravitelj fotografija koji je spreman za vaše prijenosne uređaje. Povežite kameru ili telefon kako bi prenijeli svoje fotografije, tada ih sigurno možete dijeliti i očuvati. Za entuzijaste i profesionalce digitalne fotografije Butik softvera uključuje <strong>Darktable</strong> i <strong>Luminance HDR</strong> koji nude virtualno svijetlo i tamu za RAW i HDR slike.
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Grab some popcorn!
2018-06-09 |
Pripremite kokice!
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Ubuntu MATE comes with <strong>Firefox</strong> pre-installed and <strong>Google Chrome</strong> is in the Software Boutique so you can watch content from your favourite streaming services such as <strong>Netflix</strong> and <strong>YouTube</strong>.
2018-06-09 |
Ubuntu MATE dolazi s predinstaliranim <strong>Firefoxom</strong> a <strong>Google Chrome</strong> je u Butiku softvera stoga možete gledati svoj omiljeni sadržaj sa streaming usluga poput <strong>Netflixa</strong> i <strong>YouTuba</strong>.
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LibreOffice is a free office suite packed with everything you need to create documents, spreadsheets and presentations. Compatible with Microsoft Office file formats, it gives you all the features you need, without the price tag.
2018-06-09 |
LibreOffice je besplatan uredski skup alata koji sadrži sve što vam je potrebno za stvaranje dokumenata, proračunskih tablica i prezentacija. Kompatibilan je s datotečnim formatima Microsoft Offica, omogućuje vam sve opcije koje su vam potrebne i to sve besplatno.
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Accessible for everyone
2018-06-09 |
Dostupno za svakoga
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At the heart of the Ubuntu MATE philosophy is the belief that computing is for everyone. With advanced accessibility tools and options to change language, colour scheme and text size, Ubuntu MATE makes computing easy - whoever and wherever you are.
2018-06-09 |
U srcu Ubuntu MATE filozofije nalazi se vjera da je računarstvo za svakoga. Uz napredne alate pristupačnosti i mogućnosti promjene prijevoda, sheme boja i veličine teksta, Ubuntu MATE čini računarstvo jednostavnim.
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Join the community
2018-06-09 |
Pridrižite se zajednici
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Discussion & Support
2018-06-09 |
Diskusija i podrška
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<a href="" class="caption">Ubuntu MATE Forum</a>
2018-06-09 |
<a href="" class="caption">Ubuntu MATE Forum</a>
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2018-06-09 |
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2018-06-09 |
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<a href="" class="caption">Code</a>
2018-06-09 |
<a href="" class="caption">Code</a>