Write Configuration
Scrittura configurazione
Translated by
Alessandro Ranaldi
Reviewed by
Milo Casagrande
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To change software repository settings, you need to authenticate.
È necessario autenticarsi per modificare le impostazioni dei repository software.
Translated and reviewed by
Luca Ferretti
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Software & Updates
Software e aggiornamenti
Translated and reviewed by
Luca Ferretti
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Configure the sources for installable software and updates
Configura le sorgenti per il software installabile e gli aggiornamenti
Translated and reviewed by
Luca Ferretti
In upstream: |
Configura le sorgenti per gli aggiornamenti e per il software installabile
Suggested by
Luca Ferretti
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Translated and reviewed by
Luca Ferretti
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Software & Updates
Software & aggiornamenti
Translated and reviewed by
Milo Casagrande
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The Software & Updates app is a utility for configuring which apt repositories your computer uses for updates and how frequently your computer checks for updates.
L'applicazione «Software & aggiornamenti» serve per configurare quali sorgenti «apt» utilizzare per gli aggiornamenti e quanto spesso controllare la presenza di aggiornamenti.
Translated and reviewed by
Milo Casagrande
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The utility also allows selecting additional drivers for your computer and enabling the Canonical Livepatch service.
È inoltre possibile selezionare driver addizionali per il computer e abilitare il servizio Livepatch di Canonical.
Translated and reviewed by
Milo Casagrande
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Software Sources
Sorgenti software
Translated and reviewed by
Luca Ferretti
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Additional Drivers
Driver aggiuntivi
Translated and reviewed by
Luca Ferretti
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