Browsing Asturian translation

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110 of 308 results
Write Configuration
Escribir configuración
Translated and reviewed by ivarela
Located in ../data/
To change software repository settings, you need to authenticate.
Pa camudar los axustes de los repositorios de software, necesites autenticate.
Translated and reviewed by enolp
Located in ../data/
Software & Updates
Software y anovamientos
Translated and reviewed by enolp
Located in ../data/ ../data/gtkbuilder/main.ui.h:17
Configure the sources for installable software and updates
Configura les fontes pal software instalable y anovamientos
Translated and reviewed by enolp
Located in ../data/ ../data/ ../data/ ../data/
Translated and reviewed by Xandru
Located in ../data/
Software & Updates
Software y anovamientos
Translated and reviewed by Xandru Martino
Located in ../data/
The Software & Updates app is a utility for configuring which apt repositories your computer uses for updates and how frequently your computer checks for updates.
L'aplicación Software y anovamientos ye una utilidá pa configurar qué repositorios va usar l'ordenador p'anovase y con qué frecuencia tien de facelo.
Translated and reviewed by Xandru Martino
Located in ../data/
The utility also allows selecting additional drivers for your computer and enabling the Canonical Livepatch service.
La utilidá tamién permite escoyer controladores adicionales pal ordenador y activar el serviciu Canonical Livepatch.
Translated and reviewed by Xandru Martino
Located in ../data/
Software Sources
Fontes de software
Translated and reviewed by enolp
Located in ../data/ ../data/ ../softwareproperties/gtk/ ../softwareproperties/gtk/
Additional Drivers
Controladores adicionales
Translated and reviewed by ivarela
Located in ../data/ ../data/gtkbuilder/main.ui.h:44
110 of 308 results

This translation is managed by Ubuntu Asturian Translators, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Adolfo Jayme Barrientos, BTT-LFC, Esbardu, Rodrigo Toraño Valle, Xandru, Xandru Martino, Xuacu Saturio, enolp, ivarela.