The create-cohort command creates a set of cohort keys for a given set of snaps.
A cohort is a view or snapshot of a snap's "channel map" at a given point in
time that fixes the set of revisions for the snap given other constraints
(e.g. channel or architecture). The cohort is then identified by an opaque
per-snap key that works across systems. Installations or refreshes of the snap
using a given cohort key would use a fixed revision for up to 90 days, after
which a new set of revisions would be fixed under that same cohort key and a
new 90 days window started.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Die skep-kohort bevel skep 'n stel van kohort sleutels vir 'n gegewe stel vansnaps.
N' kohort is 'n uitsig of kiekies van 'n snap's "kanaal kaart" by 'n gegewe punt in
tyd wat regmaak die stel van revisions vir die snap gegewe ander beperkings
(e.g. kanaal of argitektuur). Die kohort is dan geïdentifiseer deur 'n ondeursigtig
per-snap sleutel wat werk oor stelsels. Installasies of verfrisse van die snap
met behulp van 'n gegewe kohort sleutel sal gebruik om 'n 'vaste revision vir op om 90 dae, nadat
wat 'n nuwe stel van revisions sou wees 'vaste onder daardie selfde kohort sleutel en a
nuew 90 dae venster begined.
Translated by
Jurgens J Schoeman
Located in
The create-key command creates a cryptographic key pair that can be
used for signing assertions.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Die skep-sleutel bevel skep 'n kriptografiese sleutel paar daardie kan wees
gebruik vir ondertekening assertions.
Translated by
Jurgens J Schoeman
Located in
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Translated by
Jurgens J Schoeman
Located in
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Translated by
Jurgens J Schoeman
Located in
The delete-key command deletes the local cryptographic key pair with
the given name.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Die skrap sleutel bevel-skraps die plaaslike kriptografiese sleutelpaar met
die gegewe naam.
Translated by
Jurgens J Schoeman
Located in
The disable command disables a snap. The binaries and services of the
snap will no longer be available, but all the data is still available
and the snap can easily be enabled again.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Die deaktiveer bevel Deactiveert 'n snap. Die binaries en dienste van die
snap sal nie meer beskikbaar wees, maar alle die data is nog beskikbaar
en die snap kan maklik wees in staat te stel weer.
Translated by
Jurgens J Schoeman
Located in
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
Located in
The download command downloads the given snap and its supporting assertions
to the current directory with .snap and .assert file extensions, respectively.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Die aflaai bevel aflaaie die gegewe snap en sy ondersteuning assertions
na die huidige gids met .snap en assert lêer uitbreidings, onderskeidelik.
Translated by
Jurgens J Schoeman
Located in
The enable command enables a snap that was previously disabled.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Die in staat te stel bevel in staat stel om 'n snap daardie was voorheen gestremde.
Translated by
Jurgens J Schoeman
Located in
The export-key command exports a public key assertion body that may be
imported by other systems.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Die uitvoer-sleutel bevel uitvoer 'n openbare sleutel assertion liggaam wat mag wees
ingevoer deur ander stelsels.
Translated by
Jurgens J Schoeman
Located in