Browsing Galician translation

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These translations are shared with Simple Scan trunk series template simple-scan.

3443 of 211 results
Whether or not to keep the original, unprocessed file. The "_orig" filename will be added to the filename immediately before the file extension.
(no translation yet)
Located in data/org.gnome.SimpleScan.gschema.xml:98
Document Scanner
Title of scan window
Escáner de documentos
Translated and reviewed by Marcos Lans
Located in data/ data/ data/ui/app-window.ui:139 src/app-window.vala:1245
Make a digital copy of your photos and documents
Cree copias dixitais das súas fotos e documentos
Translated and reviewed by Xosé
Located in data/ data/
A really easy way to scan both text and images. You can crop out the bad parts of an image and rotate it if it is the wrong way round. You can print your scans, export them to pdf, or save them in a range of image formats.
Un xeito ben sinxelo de escanear documentos e imaxes. Pode recortar as partes malas dunha foto e rotala se está do revés. Pode imprimir os escaneos, exportalos a un PDF ou gardalos en varios formatos de imaxe.
Translated by Fran Diéguez
Located in data/
This app uses the SANE framework to support most existing scanners.
Esta aplicación emprega a infraestrutura SANE para compatibilidade coa maioría dos escáneres existentes.
Translated and reviewed by Xosé
Located in data/
The GNOME Project
(no translation yet)
Located in data/
Translators: Search terms to find this application. Do NOT translate or localize the semicolons! The list MUST also end with a semicolon!
Translated and reviewed by Marcos Lans
In upstream:
Suggested by Marcos Lans
Located in data/
Rotate _Left
Menu item to rotate page to left (anti-clockwise)
Rotar á _esquerda
Translated and reviewed by Fran Diéguez
Located in data/ui/app-window.ui:8
Rotate _Right
Menu item to rotate page to right (clockwise)
Rotar á _dereita
Translated and reviewed by Fran Diéguez
Located in data/ui/app-window.ui:12
Label for page crop submenu
Translated by Miguel Anxo Bouzada
Reviewed by Manuel A. Vázquez Diz
Located in data/ui/app-window.ui:16
3443 of 211 results

This translation is managed by Ubuntu Galician Translators, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Antón Méixome, Fran Diéguez, Manuel Xosé Lemos, Marcos Lans, Miguel Anxo Bouzada, Robert Ancell, Xosé.