Monitor Resolution Settings can't apply your settings.
Monitor Resolution Settings ikukanika kukhzazikitsa zokhonza zanu.
Translated and reviewed by
Herald Luwizghie
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Monitor Resolution Settings
Monitor Resolution Settings
Translated and reviewed by
Herald Luwizghie
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Change Screen Resolution Configuration
Sinthani maonekedwe a sikilini yanu.
Translated and reviewed by
Herald Luwizghie
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Changing the Screen Resolution configuration requires privileges.
Kusintha maonekedwe a sikilini yanu zifunika kuvomelezedwa ndiwoyenelela.
Translated and reviewed by
Herald Luwizghie
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Change the effect of Ctrl+Alt+Backspace
Sinthani zoonjezelazi po tobwanya Ctrl+Alt+Backspace
Translated and reviewed by
Herald Luwizghie
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Changing the effect of Ctrl+Alt+Backspace requires privileges.
kusintha zoonjezelazi po tobwanya Ctrl+Alt+Backspace zifunika kuvomelezedwa ndiwoyenelela.
Translated and reviewed by
Herald Luwizghie
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Enable or disable the NVIDIA GPU with PRIME
Lolezani kapena letsani NVIDIA GPU ndi PRIME
Translated and reviewed by
Herald Luwizghie
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Enabling or disabling the NVIDIA GPU requires privileges.
Kuloleza kapena kulepheletsa NVIDIA GPU kufuna chilolezo.
Translated and reviewed by
Herald Luwizghie
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