Unable to read from: %s
Ne mogu čitati iz: %s
Translated and reviewed by
Samir Ribić
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You are trying to send an empty document, exiting.
Pokušavate poslati prazan dokument, izlazim
Translated and reviewed by
Samir Ribić
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The content you are trying to send exceeds the pastebin's size limit.
Sadržaj koji pokušavate poslati prevazilazi pastebin ograničenja na veličinu.
Translated and reviewed by
Samir Ribić
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Could not find any JSON library.
(no translation yet)
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Failed to contact the server: %s
Neuspjelo kontaktiranje servera: %s
Translated and reviewed by
Samir Ribić
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Unable to read or parse the result page, it could be a server timeout or a change server side, try with another pastebin.
Ne mogu čitati ili analizirati stranicu rezultata. To može biti isteklo vrijeme na serveru ili promijenite stranu servera te probajte s drugim pastebin.
Translated and reviewed by
Samir Ribić
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