Landscape is an easy-to-use commercial systems management and monitoring service offered by Canonical that helps administrators manage multiple machines efficiently.
Landscape is 'n maklik-bruikbare kommersiële stelsel bestuur en bewakingsdiens wat deur Canonical aangebied word om administreerders te help meervoudige masjiene effektief te bestuur.
Translated and reviewed by
Dawid de Jager
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You need to install Landscape client to be able to configure it. Do you want to install it now?
U moet die Landscape-kliënt installeer om dit in te stel. Wil u dit nou installeer?
Translated and reviewed by
Dawid de Jager
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Install Landscape client?
Installeer Landscape-kliënt?
Translated and reviewed by
Dawid de Jager
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Translated and reviewed by
Dawid de Jager
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