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1120 of 36 results
Data not available
Dati nav pieejami
Translated by Rūdolfs Mazurs
| msgid "\"source-id\" not available"
Located in ../libs/net/grl-net-wc.c:604 ../libs/net/grl-net-wc.c:648
Invalid URL %s
Nederīgs URL %s
Translated by Rūdolfs Mazurs
| msgid "Invalid identifier %s"
Located in ../libs/net/grl-net-wc.c:699
Semicolon-separated paths containing Grilo plugins
Ar semikolu atdalītie ceļi, kuri satur Grilo spraudņus
Translated by Rūdolfs Mazurs
Located in ../src/grilo.c:218
Colon-separated paths containing Grilo plugins
Ar kolu atdalītie ceļi, kuri satur Grilo spraudņus
Translated by Rūdolfs Mazurs
Located in ../src/grilo.c:220
Colon-separated list of Grilo plugins to use
Ar kolu atdalītie ceļi, kuri satur Grilo izmantojamos spraudņus
Translated by Rūdolfs Mazurs
Located in ../src/grilo.c:223
Grilo Options
Grilo opcijas
Translated by Rūdolfs Mazurs
Located in ../src/grilo.c:228
Show Grilo Options
Rādīt Grilo opcijas
Translated by Rūdolfs Mazurs
Located in ../src/grilo.c:229
No searchable sources available
Nav atrastu meklējamu avotu
Translated by Rūdolfs Mazurs
Located in ../src/grl-multiple.c:134
Could not resolve media for URI “%s
Nevarēja uzmeklēt mediju “%s” URI
Translated by Rūdolfs Mazurs
| msgid "Could not resolve media for URI '%s'"
Located in ../src/grl-multiple.c:511
Plugin “%s” is already loaded
Spraudnis “%s” jau ir ielādēts
Translated by Rūdolfs Mazurs
| msgid "Plugin '%s' is already loaded"
Located in ../src/grl-registry.c:457 ../src/grl-registry.c:1438
1120 of 36 results

This translation is managed by Ubuntu Latvian Translators, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Rūdolfs Mazurs.