Browsing Icelandic translation

Don't show this notice anymore
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3039 of 306 results
Translated and reviewed by Sveinn í Felli
Located in data/org.gnome.FileRoller.gschema.xml:130
List of applications entered in the “Open File” dialog and not associated with the file type.
Listi yfir forrit sem sett hafa verið inn í "Opna skrá" glugganum og sem ekki eru tengd skráategundinni.
Translated by Sveinn í Felli
| msgid "" | "List of applications entered in the 'Open File' dialog and not associated " | "with the file type."
Located in data/org.gnome.FileRoller.gschema.xml:131
Compression level
Translated and reviewed by Sveinn í Felli
Located in data/org.gnome.FileRoller.gschema.xml:135
Compression level used when adding files to an archive. Possible values: very-fast, fast, normal, maximum.
Þjöppunarstigið sem er notað þegar skrám er bætt í safnskrá. Möguleg gildi eru mjög-hratt, hratt, venjulegt, hámark.
Translated by Sveinn í Felli
Located in data/org.gnome.FileRoller.gschema.xml:136
Encrypt the archive header
Dulrita haus safnskrárinnar
Translated by Sveinn í Felli
Located in data/org.gnome.FileRoller.gschema.xml:140 data/org.gnome.FileRoller.gschema.xml:172
Whether to encrypt the archive header. If the header is encrypted the password will be required to list the archive content as well.
Hvort dulrita eigi haus safnskrárinnar. Ef hausinn er dulritaður mun einnig þurfa lykilorðið til að skoða innihald safnskrárinnar.
Translated by Sveinn í Felli
Located in data/org.gnome.FileRoller.gschema.xml:141 data/org.gnome.FileRoller.gschema.xml:173
Do not overwrite newer files
Ekki skrifa yfir nýrri skrár
Translated by Sveinn í Felli
Located in data/org.gnome.FileRoller.gschema.xml:155
Recreate the folders stored in the archive
Endurgera möppurnar sem geymdar eru í safnskránni
Translated by Sveinn í Felli
Located in data/org.gnome.FileRoller.gschema.xml:159
Show/hide the extra options
Birta/fela viðbótarvalkosti
Translated by Sveinn í Felli
Located in data/org.gnome.FileRoller.gschema.xml:177
Whether to show other options. If set the extra options will be shown.
Hvort sýna eigi aðra valkosti. Ef þetta er valið verða viðbótarvalkostir birtir.
Translated by Sveinn í Felli
Located in data/org.gnome.FileRoller.gschema.xml:178
3039 of 306 results

This translation is managed by Íslenska UBUNTU þýðingarteymið - Icelandic Translators, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Baldur, Gunnlaugur Máni Hrólfsson, Sveinn í Felli, helgi.