Browsing Aragonese translation

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2332 of 452 results
Type 3
Tipo 3
Translated by Daniel Martinez
Located in backend/pdf/ev-poppler.c:871
Translated by Daniel Martinez
Located in backend/pdf/ev-poppler.c:873
Type 1 (CID)
Tipo 1 (CID)
Translated by Daniel Martinez
Located in backend/pdf/ev-poppler.c:875
Type 1C (CID)
Tipo 1C (CID)
Translated by Daniel Martinez
Located in backend/pdf/ev-poppler.c:877
TrueType (CID)
TrueType (CID)
Translated by Daniel Martinez
Located in backend/pdf/ev-poppler.c:879
Unknown font type
TIpo de fuent desconoxiu
Translated by Daniel Martinez
Located in backend/pdf/ev-poppler.c:881
This document contains non-embedded fonts that are not from the PDF Standard 14 fonts. If the substitute fonts selected by fontconfig are not the same as the fonts used to create the PDF, the rendering may not be correct.
Iste documento contiene fuentz no integradas que no son d'as 14 fuentz PDF estandar. Si as fuentz sustitutas trigadas por fotnconfig no son as mesmas que as fuentz feitas servir ta creyar o PDF, o renderizau no estara correcto.
Translated by Daniel Martinez
Located in backend/pdf/ev-poppler.c:925
All fonts are either standard or embedded.
Todas as fuentz son u estandar u integradas
Translated by Daniel Martinez
Located in backend/pdf/ev-poppler.c:930
No name
Sin nome
Translated by Daniel Martinez
Located in backend/pdf/ev-poppler.c:960
translators: When a font type does not have
encoding information or it is unknown.  Example:
Encoding: None

translators: Value for 'Page Scaling:' to not scale the document pages on printing
translators: This is used when a document property does
not have a value.  Examples:
Author: None
Keywords: None

Translated by Daniel Martinez
Located in backend/pdf/ev-poppler.c:969 libview/ev-print-operation.c:2691 properties/ev-properties-view.c:230
2332 of 452 results

This translation is managed by Ubuntu en Aragonés, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Daniel Martinez, Sebastien Bacher.