Translations by bortis
bortis has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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Ubuntu installer main menu
2011-08-04 |
Ubuntu inštallatio höüptmenü
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Choose the next step in the install process:
2011-08-04 |
D negš inštallationsšrit üswähle:
3. |
Installation step failed
2011-08-04 |
Inštallationsšrit fãlgšlage
4. |
An installation step failed. You can try to run the failing item again from the menu, or skip it and choose something else. The failing step is: ${ITEM}
2011-08-04 |
En inštallationsšrtit iš fãlgšlage. Dü čanš probiere ses uber z'menü numal z'probiere oder ses uberšpringe und äbbes anerš üswãle. De fãlgšlage šritt iš: ${ITEM}
5. |
Choose an installation step:
2011-08-04 |
En inštallationsšrit üswãle:
6. |
This installation step depends on one or more other steps that have not yet been performed.
2011-08-04 |
Dišä inštallationsšrit setzt einä oder mé anderi šrita vorüs, die nu nit abgšlosse sind.
7. |
2011-08-04 |
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2011-08-04 |
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2011-08-04 |
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2011-08-04 |
11. |
Ignore questions with a priority less than:
2011-08-04 |
Frage ignoriere mitere gringere priorität als:
12. |
Packages that use debconf for configuration prioritize the questions they might ask you. Only questions with a certain priority or higher are actually shown to you; all less important questions are skipped.
2011-08-04 |
Alli paket mitere debconf konfiguratio, priorisierend die debconf fragä. Nur fragä mitere gwisse priorität oder heijer wärdend azeigt. Alli andere fragä wärdend uberšprunge.
13. |
You can select the lowest priority of question you want to see:
- 'critical' is for items that will probably break the system
without user intervention.
- 'high' is for items that don't have reasonable defaults.
- 'medium' is for normal items that have reasonable defaults.
- 'low' is for trivial items that have defaults that will work in
the vast majority of cases.
2011-08-04 |
D'nidriš priorität fa de frage wãle, want nu willt gsé:
- 'kritiš' ohni en igriff fiert das megličerwis zume kaputte süštem.
- 'hoč' sačä di kei sifollä štandardwärt heint.
- 'mittel' normali sačä di en standardwärt heint.
- 'nidrig' triwiali sačä mit standardwärt, die uf de meište süštem
ohni problem funktionierend.
14. |
For example, this question is of medium priority, and if your priority were already 'high' or 'critical', you wouldn't see this question.
2011-08-04 |
Als bišbil heiwer hie en frag mit mittlerer priorität. Diši frag würdi nit azeigt, went en priorität fa hoch oder kritiš üswãlšt.
15. |
Change debconf priority
2011-08-04 |
D'debconf priorität ändere
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2011-08-04 |
17. |
Go Back
2011-08-04 |
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2011-08-04 |
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2011-08-04 |
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2011-08-04 |